Inhale Lyrics
He sits and waits for something better, he'll never find it here
The people touch his hair and pinch his cheek; he can't even feel it
There it goes again, he's listening to someone
He hears the bitter laughter
And all he wants to know is...
You've gotta try------ the inhale that makes the exhale so much better
He shakes at night because his nerve is gone, every muscle hurts
Come one and all and see what happened...that broken man is me
It doesn't feel good anymore
All I want to know is...
You've gotta try------ the inhale that makes the exhale so much better
SOMEONE TELL ME...someone tell me...
Someone - tell me
You've gotta try------ the inhale that makes the exhale so much better

To me the song is about a homeless dude addicted drugs. "Come one and all and see the broken man, talking to himself He sits and waits for something better, he'll never find it here The people touch his hair and pinch his cheek; he can't even feel it There it goes again, he's listening to someone He hears the bitter laughter" Here he is obviously the bum of the town everyone sees him as useless so they just talk about him, poke at him and, stare. The choruse seens like it maybe talking about his past, aybe he ODedon acid, most who od on acid talk to them selves he could have also oded on opium. The second verse could mean that he still crave this drug. He still feels it in his muscles and it hurts him.
The song could also talk about how some people talk shit about these homeless people, yet they don't know who they are or what has happened to them.
I would like to hear more opinions on this song besides mine. Its a great song:)
i get the feeling it's a homeless person too..
i get the feeling it's a homeless person too..
also, in the chorus it sounds like (but isn't really) 'why does society even matter'
also, in the chorus it sounds like (but isn't really) 'why does society even matter'
which could imply that this guy's being laughed at and patronised by society, forgotten, left behind.
which could imply that this guy's being laughed at and patronised by society, forgotten, left behind.
but the upside to the story is the last line of the chorus: 'you've gotta try - the inhale that makes the exhale so much better'
but the upside to the story is the last line of the chorus: 'you've gotta try - the inhale that makes the exhale so much better'
nothing's better than breathing, and he doesn't care, he's happy as long as he's breathing.
nothing's better than breathing, and he doesn't care, he's happy as long as he's breathing.
as compared to 'normal' people, where posessions are of utmost importance.. it's saying we can laugh, but hey, he's...
as compared to 'normal' people, where posessions are of utmost importance.. it's saying we can laugh, but hey, he's the one who's happy in the end, embracing life for what it is: existence. so maybe he's happy that now he's disappeared from society? he can't find his way out of the trappings of consumerist society? maybe he really wants to stay where he is on the fringe of society.

"The broken man is me" I guess noone here knew that Corey used to be homeless... IMO This is about him being homeless.

I thought that this song's meaning wuz pretty obvious. It's about battling drug addiction, "the inhale that makes the exhale so much better." the inhale he's talking about is smoking whatever the drug is. When he talks about him hearing things he's talking about fighting the cravings for the drug.

Corey in an internet post talked about this song, and said it was about an old man with a complex mental disorder, someone he ran into on the street somewhere (I was thinking he said Chicago?). It's about how he has this disease, but there's really no research going on to help him, there's nothing he can do but suffer.

if you look at the Slipknot section of this site at Left Behind, someone says it is about Corey when he was homeless. I dunno if its true (that he was homeless) but it would make sense and kinda explain what this song is about.

drug abuse could certainly be the theme for this song, cosidering the title 'inhale', but that's not how i see it.
"you've got to try the inhale that makes the exhale so much better"... what this means to me is, try to do something great with your life (inhaling) so that once you die (exhaling) you've made it worthwhile. i think that in this song, he tried inhaling something great (being in a rock band), but it didn't work out and that's why they are all now homeless on the streets. even though they didn't make it, inhaling that experience made living worth it. now he can exhale.

It's not about a homeless guy, and it's not about drugs. It's about how, for some people, life isn't all just beer and skittles. For some people, especially those who suffer from any form of depression, life particularly sucks. Alot of depression sufferers(like myself) actually talk to themselves, because they're too antisocial or whatever, and it's much easier to talk to someone you know. "He sits and waits for something better" means he's waiting for life to change for him w/o him having to work for it, probably due to being too messed up emotionally to actually do it w/o being afraid in some capacity. "the people touch his hair and pinch his cheek/he can't even feel it" pretty much stands for compliments, whether sincere or backhanded that people give him, but he's too down to care or realize it. "He hears the bitter laughter" is him being paranoid thinking everyone's making fun of him when he hears them laugh. And all he want's to know is why does any of it matter? meaning he's wondering why should life be like this? Why does this shit happen to him? You gotta try-the inhale that makes the exhale so much better is basically saying just take a deep breath, and whatever you try to do, no matter how afraid or whatever you are about doing it, that it'll be ok-that the inhale is you breathing life back into your body, and the exhale is you expelling the bad inside. He shakes at night because his nerve is gone is talking about timidity. NOW I KNOW I DISSAPPEAR/I CAN'T FIND MY WAY FROM OUT OF HERE/EVERYTHING IS FADING ON ME/SOMEONE TELL him saying that he feels like he's fading away in life, like nobody even notices him anymore, that he's an outcast that nobody cares about, and that he's lost and can't figure out what to do, and he's losing the will to live anymore, but he's begging for someone to tell him why his life matters, and to tell him to breathe...for someone to care enough to help him save himself......

If you don't like this you suck! :-P
come look at this dude laugh at him going threw withdraws like nothing matters you prob dont know what he is going threw because you ve got to try it
come look at this dude laugh at him going threw withdraws like nothing matters you prob dont know what he is going threw because you ve got to try it

this is a brilliant song. i'm still trying to work out the meaning of it, obviously about a crazy man but i think it was some deeper meaning in there somewhere. sounds like it cud be some sort of heroin addict or addicted to something and his life is a mess, or at least he feels it is...what do you think?

i think its about someone whos been broken down into little peices by some shit like life or something and hes questioning if it even matters if you do good or susceed