Mykel And Carli Lyrics
They lived down the block
Where Eagle Ct. bends
One she cared for my bones
Fed me ice-cream cones
One she cared for my happiness
Wouldn't leave me alone
Back in Wilson High
Said I had these two best friends
Till the school bus came and took my friends away
Now I'm left alone at home
To sit and think all day
Hear you me, Carli
the hat was awful rad
wore it everyday
Made my teacher mad
She tore it off my head
Now my head's well read
My head gets cold at night sometimes
But I can't be misled

i think this about the people that ran the weezer fan club and died in a car crash. i'm not sure, but the green album is dedicated to them. has anyone any idea when this was recorded?

its a good song, but still its kind of sad. the song is a b side. im pretty sure that it was on the undone (the sweater song) single. they have a tribute to them on the weezer page, here

this song was written in 1994 (3years before mykel, carli and trysta died) which i find a bit spooky, because the lyrics are very much about loss.

this is one of my favorite weezer songs, and yes they did die in a car crash.

i love this song. you don't get sick of it. And cuz of those poor girls its just even better. its awesome.

but.... what does this song mean?

what do you mean what does this song mean? it makes sense just reading it. he knew two girls - mykel and carli - who he was friends with. they looked after him and gave him a 'rad' red hat, which he treasures since they were taken away by the school bus.

this is where jimmy eat world got their song title "hear you me" from

this is where jimmy eat world got the whole song from pretty much. "hear you me" was orginally released on a tribute album to mykel and carli about a year before 'bleed american' was released. i don't think it was performed by jimmy eat world though, i think it was done by the lead singer (jimmy)'s side project, go casino. but in any case, 'hear you me' is actually about the deaths of the same people rivers is singing about in this song

that's cool, i didn't know that much about it