An Attempt to Tip the Scales Lyrics

Did you expect it all to stop at the wave of your hand?
Like the sun is just going to drop if it’s night you demand
Well, in the dark we are just air so the house might dissolve
But once we are gone, who is gonna care if we were ever here at all?
Well, summer is going to come and it’s gonna cloud our eyes again
There is not need to focus when there is nothing that it worth seeing
So we trade liquor for blood in an attempt to tip the scales
I think you lost what you loved in that mess of details
They seemed so important at the time but now you can’t even recall
Any of the names, faces, or lines, it is more the feeling of it all
Well, winter is going to end and I’m going to clean these veins again
So close to dying that I finally can start living
82 Meanings
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right now this is my favorite bright eyes song. amazing

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mmm...gotta love everything about bright eyes...i adore conor oberst. this song is phenomenal. "Did you expect it all to stop at the wave of your hand? Like the sun is just going to drop if its night you demand."...perfection. and ilikehubcaps..i tell people it real...but they dont care. my friends hate all the music i love. bah.

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The part at the end where the instruments kick in..... that's my favorite part... makes me feel good inside...


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Yeh the instruments at the end are sooo amazing...the inteview just cracks me up though... :) its a crazy song....but so are all of the lyrics conor writes... ha!

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I dont understand i feel really stupid. The interview at the end of the song isn't real right? He is just doing it to look weird?

@SuGarCuLtCrZd at 1st I thought it was. But it is not. It is some pretentious bullsh t Connor used to like in those early years albums when he was a kid trying to sound deep, but was just plainly stupid.

I preffer the adult Connor rather than the edgy pretentious teen he was.

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a attempt to tip the scales it so give the relationship a nudge in the right direction.

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the radio interview transcription, in case you're interested (dunno if it's completely correct):

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I got the feeling of an addiction. Alcahol maybe because I heard he one almost died from alcahol poisioning. "So close to dying that I finally can start living". And also "Winters gonna end im gonna clean these veins again" might be his resolution not to drink again, because I also heard he swore never to drink again, but it didnt work out. I love the music to this song.

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Although it is unclear what exactly this song means, I mean it means something different to everyone. To me, it speaks so clearly to my bulimia. I have dealt with this for so long, anyway that’s not the point. “Did you expect it all to stop at the wave of your hand? Like the sun is just going to drop if it’s night you demand” That is almost word for word what people tell me, when I talk about my eating disorder. And it speaks so true, anyone who has an obsession or an addiction can understand, because you did. You really didn’t think this monster would rule you. “Well, in the dark we are just air so the house might dissolve But once we are gone, who is gonna care if we were ever here at all? “ This might be the death of you, but you don’t care, and you’re pretty sure no one else should care either. You believe no one cares about you. It really seems that way. “Well, summer is going to come and it’s gonna cloud our eyes again” Summer is a time, for me at least when my ED is not so bad. I’m so distracted hat it’s almost gone. “There is no need to focus when there is nothing that it worth seeing” Who can focus on recover, I mean it’s won’t be worth t. “So we trade liquor for blood in an attempt to tip the scales” I DON’T do it personally, but online I have met plenty of people who drink to a lot so they puke to lose weight. “I think you lost what you loved in that mess of details” Obviously, it is so true. “They seemed so important at the time but now you can’t even recall” The reasons why you started all of this. “Any of the names, faces, or lines, it is more the feeling of it all Well, winter is going to end and I’m going to clean these veins again” Summer comes, it’s all over for a while. “So close to dying that I finally can start living” This defines eating disorders.

In the depths of my bulimic hell I listened to this song over and over. The lyrics and emotions in this song were the only thing that seemed to connect/understand the dark place I was in.

@LilyNicole dude, use the freakin "my inetrpretation" label. Thats how ppl know when it is a 100 percent subjective meaning YK.

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yea its a fake interview. its funny as hell.. thats conors friend pretending to interview him.

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