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Still Stabbin' Lyrics

Umm…I still have a problem.
If it's ok with…them, you know…there..them
The Dark Carnival in general.
It's the whole stabbin' thing again…It's…

I stab people, like everyday folks
Skinny people any people I chop off their throats
My stabbin's are ninja, like very quickly, HEY
By the time you feel it I'm like 3 blocks away
I stabbed the newspaper guy and took his little truck
Now I stab people and drive away, I'm like put put put put
I do a show and stab people at the same time ???
I stab bear cage security guards in the back of the neck
I love Waffle House, I stab people there
They're so shitty and dumpy they don't even care
I love stabbin' people, Def Leppard remember them?
Well I cut their fuckin' drummer's arm off, you can ask him
Leroy Owen, the president of Island
I'm at a business meetin' with him, lookin' at him, smilin'
I jumped up to stab'em, but he kicked my ass
17th floor they threw me out through the glass

Help me! FUCK YOU!
Fuckin' help me! FUCK YOU!
I need you to help me! FUCK YOU!
Somebody come and help me! FUCK YOU!

Jehova's Witnesses I swear man, I love'em
They're standin' on the porch knockin', I'm waitin' above'em
Puncture wound victims, right to my door
Come back mothafucker…I'll stab you some more
One time I was a wrestler, I wrestled the best
I got kicked out though, I had a knife in my spandex
I stabbed Tony Schivane the commentator guy
Before the match I went to shake his hand but I stabbed'em in the eye
I stabbed Norman Smiley in the middle of a match
He was like "What are you doing?" I said FUCKIN' RELAX!
I stabbed'em again and again, I jumped out and ran
Everybody chased me, catch me if you can
I tried to stab my own brother, bad for my health
He twisted my arm back, I ended up stabbin' myself
I stab cabby drivers, right through the thick glass
Ginsu built to last…

Slice'em up, slice'em down,
Side to side and all around,
They don't hate, they don't care,
Ginsu swingin' everywhere (repeat)

I saved up my money, and I went and saw the Lilith Fair
I started stabbin' lesbians, there was millions of them there
I took off my thong, and I jumped in the pit
But there wasn't any pit it was only me and that was it but soooo what
I was throwin' myself all over the floor
Sara McLaughlin was on stage I said YOU FUCKIN' WHORE!
One time I met Slipknot, I stabbed their ass
Stabbed'em all in the face, that's why they wear masks
My little newspaper truck runs on a tank of blood
I drive with my lights off all through the neighborhood
But it's so hard to sleep because of the muffler
rmmmm bmmmm I HATE THAT FUCKER!
I did a song with 3-6 Mafia, them guys are the shit
We went to their studio and I started rockin' it
After the session, they all left up outta there
But I stayed behind, and stabbed the engineer

Can you help me? FUCK YOU!
You gotta help me. FUCK YOU!
I need you to help me! FUCK YOU!
Mutha fuckin help me! FUCK YOU!
Nah man, fuck you! FUCK YOU!
Fuck all of you! FUCK YOU!
You better fuckin' help me! FUCK YOU!
Heeelllpppp meeeeeee!
Slice'em up, slice'em down,
Side to side and all around,
They don't hate, they don't care,
Ginsu swingin' everywhere (repeat)

Props to J Ya Dead Homie for taking the time to type these lyrics and send them in.

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Submitted by
nikuku On Nov 25, 2001
6 Meanings
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and its funny as hell

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actually it dosnt down slipknot... ICP are in fact fans of slipknot and slip just cant take a lil joke... it was nothing personal ICP thinks slip is cool and alot of icp fans are slip fans.... fuck they say they stab people that they are known to like... when i first listened to this song i dint consider it an insult to slip at all...

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you're right NOFX they're not downing slipknot, they're just havin a little fun, in the first "i stab people" j talks about stabbing twiztid,myzery,jumpsteady, and alex abbiss. Later ninjas. MCL

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Basically, this song is just Violent J acting deranged and funny. Most of the people that got stabbed in this song are sort of random. I'm glad ICP did this song. "I Stab People" was way too short.

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haha further proof that you can't take these guys seriously... juggalos the real ones are fuckin idiots

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"One time I met Slipknot, I stabbed their ass Stabbed'em all in the face, that's why they wear masks."

What the hell is wrong with you this makes no sense, if you think making up shit about themselves makes the feel better, well fuck you. All icp does is make up stuff to make their gay cult seem powerful. Well if you want to know something about them, they are making up crap to steal money from you. If they want to bitch about their lives so bad them they need to talk about how they hate all women and smoke crack and meth. Get a life queers. They did not stab slipknot or anything like that, they're mad that slipknot is better than them. Go to hell you goddam hypicrites!

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