53 Meanings
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Teenager Lyrics

climbed your arms
then you pulled away
a new cavity moved into
my heart today
the more she sings
the more it seems that
that now I'm through
now I'm through
with the new you
I drove you home then
you moved away
new cavity moved into
my heart today
the more I scream
the more it seems
now I'm through
now I'm through
with the new you
new you
53 Meanings
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"The lyrics were all written when I was 15 and living in Arizona with my grandparents. It's pretty much about my first and only real date I ever had. It's kinda corny but it was the first time I got my heart broken. - Chino

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"lyrically, its a teenage love story, which sounds pretty goofy, but its actually alright" - Chino

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It's great to chill out to and Chino's voice is really haunting! :)

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This song is about how Chino totally fell for this girl "i climbed u'r arms" but then she just ignored him, and dident return that love "and u moved away" and this like killed him inside "new cavity moved into, my heart today" In the rest of the song we find out that the reason he fell for her is cause she was a really good friend, but the reason she turned him down is because she got accepted into some different group of people, becoming the "new you" he's talking about. basically he ends it saying, it happened, but now its over and i dont care cause i dont wanna even see this new person u'v become.

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this song is basically what it is liketo be a teenager. some friends go into new groups merely for a status change, which is what happened to chino. unfortuatly, it happened 2 some1 he loved. thats the worst :(

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i think the songs isn't about someone that refused him but a girl that did love him but moved away, somewhere far. i think the songs is about the cavity in his heart because she's gone and that all he has to do now is find someone else like her (new you).

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This song reminds me of my old best friend. Every thing is fine when you are an innocent childm but once you are a teenager and you have the choice to make yourself you can change. I think of how she decided to hate everythign and ti become a new her. When she changed, I had a new 'cavity' in my heart because this was the first time I had hated and loved with every part of my soul. Regard less she tried to committ suicide, and this was the most comforting song I could find. I still don't talk to her/

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love story of a guy that loves a girl but unfortunate she cant relate. This cavity is permitently in his heart it will be hard to let go and it kinda keeps growing. Hardcore song i lov ethis one.

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fuck it this song wasnt helping with my problems with my ex gf..but great song

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wonderfully composed song

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