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Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) Lyrics

Run run run run run run run run Run, YEAH!
You better make your face up in Your favourite disguise
With your button down lips and your Roller blind eyes
With your empty smile
And your hungry heart
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
With your nerves in tatters when the cockleshell shatters
And the hammers batter down the door
You'd better run!
Run run run run run run run run
Run, YEAH!
You better run all day and run all night
And keep your dirty feelings deep inside
And if you're taking your Girlfriend out tonight
You'd better park the car well out of sight
Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to mother in a cardboard box
You better run!
Run run run run run run run run
Run, YEAH!
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Submitted by
metal6hell6maker6 On Nov 25, 2001
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38 Meanings

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Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

this song is hot.. its better than the pink floyd version. sorry to pink floyd fans, but YOU KNOW ITS BETTER :-)

Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

kittie does an awesome cover to this. im glad their new cd is so much better and im glad they decided to change so they dont fucking suck any more.

Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

this song is not even fuckin' better than pink floyd's...you should be shot for saying that shit...

Actually, it is better. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better.

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Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

This cover version is alot better than pink flloyds version in my view, but wre are all intitled to our opinions. I love Kittie alot, there are an inspiration to me and i can say that this song can always get me rhiled up for anythin. its jus the feelin it gives me. kittie rock! enough said! I LUV TALENA!!!!! WOO! ok, thas enough. hehehe! -_~¤~Mø®ßîз·Åñgë|~¤~_

Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

No, you're a moron for dissing people's OPINIONS. Get the hell over it and stop acting like the idiot is on the other side of the computer screen. =P

Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

All you pink floyd fans needa shut up and respet our opinions of we like Littie's version than that us. anyhoo,WOW!!!THIS SONGS FRICKIN AWESOME!

Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

I am a fan of pink floyd but I think Kittie does a much better job at this song.

Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

no you people are retarded. having an opinion is fine, even if it is a stupid ass one, but you people are still retarded. look at this crap. "needa" "WOW!!!THIS SONGS FRICKIN AWESOME!" "I LUV TALENA!!!!! WOO! ok, thas enough. hehehe!" "alot" "intitled" "alot" "there are an inspiration to me" "_~¤~Mø®ßîз·Åñgë|~¤~_ "

if you people could use words that actually exist, and possibly add a comment that actually has intellectual worth, maybe people wouldn't bash your stupid opinions.

Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

YOU ARE FUCKING INSANE IF YOU THINK ITS BETTER THEN PINK FLOYDS VERSION... jesus christ Roger waters has some kind of harmony to his voice and still portrays massive amounts of feeling behind it.. KITTIE JUST GROWELS seriously unless your a tone deaf or you have no idea about pink floyd

Cover art for Run Like Hell (Pink Floyd cover) lyrics by Kittie

Kittie Kicks ass sir, Its one of the Best English band out there...> I'd pick this band over Pink Floyd anyday =p, even though Pink Floyd ish very kewl. And this is my fav song O_o...\/\/007!!!

Kittie is Canadian, dude. And I'd pick Kittie over ANY band anyday, they do a better job on the albums and live than most do in just one of those.

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