19 Meanings
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Drive You Home Lyrics

It's funny how
Even now
You still support me after all of the things that I've done
You're so good to me
Waiting patiently
And isn't it sad that you still have to ask if I care?

I never said I was perfect
But I can take you away

Walk on shells tonight
Can't do right tonight
And you can't say a word
Cause I leap down your throat
So uptight am I

I never said I was perfect
But I can drive you home

I got down on myself
Working too hard
Driving myself to death
Trying to beat out the faults in my head
What a mess I've made
Sure we all make mistakes
But they see me so large that they think I'm immune to the pain

I'm praying for a miracle
But I won't hold my breath
I never said I was perfect
But can you drive me home
19 Meanings
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Some people react to guilt for wronging someone they care about by getting angry at that person. Almost like they resent that person for making them feel bad for their actions. It happens when you have low self esteem, and can't understand why anyone would care about you, or that you'd be deserving of affection. So when someone like that gets into a relationship with someone who is actually a good caring partner, the person with said low self esteem will always have a nagging doubt that the people who care about him/her have some alterior motive or have made a mistake and will realize how "bad" of a person they are. Thats what she's describing in this song. A person (herself) who is grateful for her husband for staying by her even though she is often detached and doubtful and even spiteful. She's saying that she's sorry, but she really does care, even though it doesn't seem like it. She's describing a fight with the chorus, that she initiated and probably didn't have a right to start. Basically, the theme is, I'm not perfect, and I'm sorry for not always giving you what you deserve, and I'm grateful.

If you couldn't figure that out, you shouldn't be allowed to leave your house without a helmet on.

perfect interpretation imo.

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I dont know if anyone else agrees, but when i listen to this song i dont think about lovers, i think about a parent-child relationship. To me this is about me and my dad, how i feel about him. How when i was in my teens i was probaly a awful daughter yet hes stood next to me all the way. And how the tables turn, how when you get older you are more aware of his feelings and try and help him out how he has you. For instance, when she switches between them driving her home and her driving them home, now i am old enough to pick him up in a drunken mess as he did when i was younger. Well, thats my interpretation.

This was always the feeling I had about it too (well, replace dad with mum).

Either way, what this song will always mean most to me is the day I first heard it. Bought beautifulgarbage (great album BTW), took it home, stuck it on and listened through it. Got to this song, stopped the idle internetting I was doing and listened. Stopped the CD player afterwards, curled up on my bed and bawled my eyes out for the next half hour. No other song, before or since, has come close to knocking me sideways like that.

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Beautiful Song! It's really a great song that is touching; but I wish I knew exactly what it meant. Anyone got legit. ideas? We need more people to look @ these Garbage lyrics! Hardcore gangsta!

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i think she's in love with someone, but she's sabbotaging the relationship because she's got low self esteem and doesn't think that it will last.... "Driving myself to death trying to beat out the faults in my head", "walk on shells tonight, can't do right tonight, anbd you can't say a word cause i leap down your throat so uptight am i." she's parranoid that he'll find someone better so she acts out at him

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I absolutely love this song. I can't wait to see them play with No Doubt next month. I think this song is about her acting as if she doesn't care about the other person or where the relationship is going, but underneath it all she really does and its probly just her insecurities. Regaurdless of that the other person is still there for her but isn't too sure if she really cares bout him. "Its funny how even now you still support me after all the things that I've done You're so good to me, waiting patiently And isn't it sad that you still have to ask if I care.."

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I love this song, I almost cried the first time I heard it. heh heh

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This song is amazing. Probably my favourite song by Garbage. This is what I think it means (or at least what it means to me).

She starts off talking about how it's ironic, that even though she treats her boyfriend/whatever like crap, he still loves her. It's almost as if she feels bad about it.

The next line "I never said I was perfect", she's clearly saying that this is just the way she is, and she has faults.

The next part "I leap down your throat", meaning how insecure she is about herself. She doesn't want to lose this guy, even though she knows she's emotionally abusing him.

"I got down on myself..".. Now she's talking about herself. It's obvious that she hasn't had a great life, and she probably suffers from low self-esteem. She probably really loves this guy, but she can't bring herself to his level. She has strong feelings towards him, and tries to change, but fails. Because she can't. She's only herself and no one else. And it's starting to hurt her.

"I'm praying for a miracle". She wishes something great will just happen to the both of them, and they'll be content with eachother. She probably hates the fact that she's emotionally abusing this guy, but she loves him too much, and will let go if she has to. She mentions, "I won't hold my breathe". Meaning that if worse comes to worse, she'll have to leave him. Even though she loves him, she won't be able to put up with this anymore.

Anyway.. That's just what it means to me. I guess these lyrics mean a lot to me, since I've been on the opposite end of these lyrics.

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This song remins me of a friend ... hmm what a great song .. anyone can relate to this ...

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its funny how some songs connect with some people so damn well...i thot this song wd be crystal clear to anyone..and now i read here that isnt the case..thats the beauty of right "connection"..hmm i think this song is pretty reflective of me, of how i am, hv been, hence i feel that each and every word is so...TRUE. Its a lot like kaoruchan100 mentions above...its abt a sorta dysfunction,,,u abuse what u love most..u push them to the limit to see how much more they can take...to see how much they really love u..knowing fully well that u are wrong- not perfect- and the beauty of it all is that u know that despite all of that, u are the one that can take the other person "home" ..it also comes a little from depressed or depression like frame of mind...where nothing seems to be gng right..- u wait for a miracle- u want to change urself, things arnd you, your life...but u dnt wanna peg too high hopes to it coz of the fear /eventuality of things not turning right...its a beautiful beautiful beautiful song..it completely expresses what iv felt at certain points in my life...

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I also love love love this song. To me however, this song is more about a girl who ends up driving a guy away without meaning to. someone she really loved but was too obsessive over her own insecurities and maybe didn't focus enough on trying to get through it, and letting him in. I think that the driving home line (in all its variations) sort of means an end to the relationship. Like, we can't do anything more than this so let's just end without a fight. and the line "I never said I was perfect but I can take you away" seems almost like her last pleading to fix things.

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