39 Meanings
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Xmas Day Lyrics

One step in the dark
Touch her hand just to see
If she's all alone again
Still she hasn't seen sun
But I promise you now when she wakes
There will be none
Don't know how she gets by
Sleeps with a phone on her chest
And a bottle that's totally dry
Forgets the day I was born
But if she saw me right now

She would hold me until we both die

I could be the one who would die to
feel you breathe

I could break into a million pieces
So just run as fast as you can for me
You mean everything

I can't deny her. I'll do whatever
To stop all the bleeding that makes
her world so red
Such a delicate one
She screams so loud that I run to
hide from the sound
And I could be the one who would die
to feel you breathe
But it's too far-gone
And this love must die

I could break into a million pieces
So just run as fast as you can for me
You mean everything

I could break into a million pieces
So just run as fast as you can for me
You mean everything

I could break into a million pieces
So just run as fast as you can for me
You mean everything

I could break into a million pieces
So just run as fast as you can for me
You mean everything
Song Info
Submitted by
metal6hell6maker6 On Nov 25, 2001
39 Meanings
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It is about his mother...but it's Clint's not Lajon's...Clint wrote it.

What an amazing song!

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Seems to me like the writer of the song is remebering his mother and her drinking problems. Every Christmas was a dissapointment, yet they still love each other. Her life is screwed up basically, and he wants to help her, but doesn't know what to do. I must say, the ending lines are a bit blurry. Kinda "off-key" if you ask me.

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I definitly say this is alot more like a mother than a possible girlfriend. I see no solid reference to an abusive boyfriend or anything along those lines, but mother makes alot of sense. "forgets the day I was born" "If she saw me right now, she would hold me until we both die" Lines such as those really make me think this is more maternal than infatuation, but that's just one little bear's opinion. When I heard this the first time I figured it was Lajon's mother, then I came here and started reading, and I thought 'How could I be so wrong?' But just because you can make it relate to something in your life doesn't mean you're even close to right. I can relate to the person who is killing themself with all the crap they do, but I know this is about his mother.

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Huh, I never knew Clint wrote this... I suppose that explains something though, I've always adored the way Clint writes =]. I think it runs in the Lowery family.

I've always assumed the song was about a mother, really. The way Lajon sings is positively haunting, I think the conjunction of that and Clint's lyrics is what makes the song so gorgeous.

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How can you not think it's an mother who abuses alcohol and her son comes back to see her all run down?

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this song really really hits me hard...i think it is about the mother with a drinking problem it makes a lot of sense...i can really relate too my dad is practically the same way...goddamn parents..

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actually clint wrote this about his momma.

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I am a music fanatic, and my taste is extremely diverse. I have to say, through all the music I listen to, this is definitely one of the single most well written songs I've heard. Absolutely brilliant.

Just wanted to throw my two cents into this whole "Mom or Lover" discussion. I believe it is about his mother, and how the relationship has deteriorated to the point that it is unsalvagable. (But it's too far gone/and this love must die).

The reason I think it is about a mother? Xmas Day = Ex Ma's Day. Make sense?

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you can tell it's a relationship with a mother "forgets the day i was born" that wouldn't matter THAT much in a relationship

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I think this song represents a relationship between a son and his mother. Even though they've had it hard for so long, the love that is between them is still obviously prevalent. He thinks about his mother all the time, and wishes that they had a better relationship, or that he had grown up under different circumstances....And he wishes the pain he caused his mother he could take away, and rebuild something new and better. But in his eyes, he knows, it's "too far-gone" and they don't even talk anymore. And every Christmas he remembers her...And wishes...

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