12 Meanings
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Born In A Casket Lyrics

Enter the crypts of hell, to impregnate the dead
Fresh burial sight, my hunger grows tonight
Undying lust for cadaverous molestation
Sights of death building my sensations
Ferocious need for decomposing bodies

Sex with the dead now I must breed
Within the stiff corpse planting my seed
The taste of formaldahyde, smell of the rot
Suck out the goo, feast on her crotch

Raging fires of hell, burning through my soul
My love for a dead fuck, I cannot control
The child soon will rise, all evil will survive
Birth through death

The newborn needs a feast, its mother is the
Chomping on her flesh, his teeth tearing her skin

I love to fuck the dead, demons in my head
Tearing at my brain

Bleeding sores beginning to stench
While you lick the festering stump
Green infection discharging puss
Devour the putrid afterbirth

Sex with the dead now I must breed
Within the stiff corpse planting my seed
The taste of formaldahyde, smell of the rot
Suck out the goo, feast on her crotch
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Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

I was born in a washing machine. It gave me brain damage and my right arm doesn't work properly...

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

My younger sister talked my youngest sister to get in the dryer. She was about 3 or 4 at the time. She turned it on and baby sis went around about 4 or 5 times (noisy...I was not there but heard it from upstairs). She claims she is irrevocably damaged emotionally by this experience. She does have use of all her limbs. Though brain damage may have been possible.

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

My younger sister talked my youngest sister to get in the dryer. She was about 3 or 4 at the time. She turned it on and baby sis went around about 4 or 5 times (noisy...I was not there but heard it from upstairs). She claims she is irrevocably damaged emotionally by this experience. She does have use of all her limbs. Though brain damage may have been possible.

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

That was weird...LOL HUH...I was born in a microwave and it gave me a stutter.

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

I think I am probably impotent, due to all radiation, from the years I spent standing infront of the microwave, watching popcorn cook.

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

thats why youre so retarded and cant tell the difference between good death metal and scandinavian emo devil shit you little fairy and i fucked your mom last night

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

Dude, why don't you fuck off and stop embarassing yourself?

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

CC should stop with the sexual lyrics, and focus on the psychological terror and physical anguish IMO

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

I dont know this band but how can anyone take lyrics such as "Enter the crypts of hell, to impregnate the dead" seriously?

Cover art for Born In A Casket lyrics by Cannibal Corpse

..how serieously do you assume people take them?