Aww look at daddy's baby girl
That's daddy baby
Little sleepy head
Yesterday I changed your diaper
Wiped you and powdered you.
How did you get so big?
Can't believe it now you're two
Baby you're so precious
Daddy's so proud of you
Sit down bitch
If you move again I'll beat the shit out of you
Don't make me wake this baby
She don't need to see what I'm about to do
Quit crying bitch, why do you always make me shout at you?
How could you?
Just leave me and love him out the blue
Oh, what's a matter Kim?
Am I too loud for you?
Too bad bitch, your gonna finally hear me out this time
At first, I'm like all right
You wanna throw me out? That's fine!
But not for him to take my place, are you out you're mind?
This couch, this TV, this whole house is mine!
How could you let him sleep in our bed?
Look at Kim
Look at your husband now!
I said look at him!
He ain't so hot now is he?
Little punk!
(Why are you doing this?)
Shut the fuck up!
(You're drunk! You're never going to get away at this!)
You think I give a fuck!
Come on we're going for a ride bitch
Sit up front
(Well I can't just leave Haley alone, what if she wakes up?)
We'll be right back
Well I will you'll be in the trunk
I don't wanna go on
Living in this world without you
You really did a number on me
Never knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt me
But we was kids then Kim, I was only 18
That was years ago
I thought we wiped the slate clean
That's fucked up!
(I love you!)
Oh God my brain is racing
(I love you!)
What are you doing?
Change the station I hate this song!
Does this look like a big joke?
There's a four year old boy lyin' dead with a slit throat
In your living room, ha-ha
What you think I'm kiddin' you?
You loved him didn't you?
Bullshit you bitch don't fucking lie to me
What the fuck's this guy's problem on the side of me?
Fuck you asshole, yeah bite me
Kim, KIM!
Why don't you like me?
You think I'm ugly don't you
(It's not that!)
No you think I'm ugly
Get the fuck away from me, don't touch me
How the fuck could you do this to me?
How the fuck could you do this to me?
(I can't I'm scared)
I said get out bitch!
(Let go of my hair, please don't do this baby)
(Please I love you, look we can just take Haley and leave)
Fuck you, you did this to us
You did it, it's your fault
Oh my God I'm crackin' up
Get a grip Marshall
Hey remember the time we went to Brian's party?
And you were like so drunk that you threw up all over Archie
That was funny wasn't it?
That was funny wasn't it?
See it all makes sense, doesn't it?
You and your husband have a fight
One of you tries to grab a knife
And during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam's apple sliced
And while this is goin' on
His son just woke up and he just walks in
She panics and he gets his throat cut
(Oh my God!)
So now they both dead and you slash your own throat
So now it's double homicide and suicide with no note
I should have known better when you started to act weird
We could've...HEY! Where you going? Get back here!
You can't run from me Kim
It's just us, nobody else!
You're only making this harder on yourself
Ha! Ha! Got'cha!
Ha! Go ahead yell!
Here I'll scream with you!
Don't you get it bitch, no one can hear you?
Now shut the fuck up and get what's comin to you
You were supposed to love me
{*Kim choking*}

em is very talented he made this song to show he loved her and she cheated. it came to this. but it does not give him the reason to promote violence on women that way. but let him keep doing his thing. im not mad at him.

This is what I love about Eminem. He doesn't care what people think of his music. He expressed what he felt through this song toward his ex-wife. I know he would never do half of the stuff he said in the song like choke Kim. But don't we all say things we don't mean when we are mad? This song is very intense. It made me want to cry the first time I heard it. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I SWEAR TO GOD I HATE YOU! OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU!" That line I think wraps up the whole song. He thinks he hates her. He is jelous, angry, disappointed. He's so mad, but he still loves her. This song will ALWAYS be a favorite of mine.

The greatest, most emotional song ever made, hands down.

i heard stan before this and i was shocked by THAT. i remember we were parked in my friends car (not doing ANYTHING illegal, mind you) and this song came on the random. we both sat there with our jaws to the ground. what i think is great about the song is that you can actually visualize whats going on, because eminem is so descriptive. oh yeah, this song is not scary, it is not messed up. eminem gets a bad rap, but this song is obviously a fantasy that eminem probably has. and who hasn't fantasized about exacting revenge on someone who did them wrong?

U fuckin pussies, this is a GREAT song and Eminem is madd hott n u fuckers jus cant live up to him! I Love You Eminem!!!!

there is nothing weird about this song at all, nor is it scary. it's the truth. it's a thought that Eminem might have had or is still having. people get mad at other people every day and if this is how he gets through the day then damn, let him. he's not threating her. one amazing thing about Eminem is that he isn't afraid to tell the truth, to tell everyone what he is thinking. when i first heard this song yeah it was shocking, it was a level that Eminem hadn't reached before but if he has the balls to say it then let him. it's his first amendment right. sorry that some people are just way to think headed to see past first impressions.

this is exactly what i should have been listening to when i was in 10th grade lol

feels like watching a suspense movie with eyes closed.redrum!
Indeed! LOL
Indeed! LOL

To say the least, this song is fucked up. But, it needed to be put out. It's about the everyday abuse that occurs everyday. It needs to published. Some live this type of relationship day-in-day-out. It's not a reflection of of Eminem, I belive, however, it's reality for some.

Yes, the song is dark and morbid, but that's the kind of music I and a lot of people like to listen to sometimes. I understand that it's not for everyone, but it's fucking Eminem, what do you expect? People who say they hate this song have a right to their opinion, but if you don't like this kind of music, then you should know just from Eminem's reputation that you should not to listen to his music. Anyway, I prefer his darker songs like this one and "Stan", which I personally think are probably his two greatest songs, more than his more shallow songs (like "Ass Like That" for instance). I like that Eminem is willing to explore the ugly side of relationships and isn't afraid to put real people and sometimes real events and/or fantasties he's had into his songs. There's a real honesty in this song. You can sense that seething repressed anger. I like that raw emotion- you don't see that in a lot of modern music, especially in this genre. And it's so catchy too, despite how raw and open it is.
I will say that I'm glad Eminem found an outlet for all his anger, but I don't think he'd be a homicidal maniac like some people seem to think if he hadn't found a way to let out his anger through his music. Or maybe he would. There is a fine like between madness and brillance after all. I think this song is brillant. Both the words and the music. The chorus is really catchy and pretty much explains how he's feeling and what he's thinking. "Bitch you did me so wrong, but I don't want to go on without you."
3 hoorays for fucked up dysfuctional relationships!!!