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Justice Prevails Lyrics

You make it so easy to run
well I'm still crawling
I'm still crawling.
Now I'm game for the feeding chain,
and their still scraping
their still crawling.
Taking measures to see myself ,
but I've seemed to forefit all my findings
it's not easy to take these steps
or to fake these breaths but urge is blinding.
And you can deny this,
but I won't let you,
and you can defy this,
it's not beneath you,
and we can try this,
but were we meant to,
and this will divide us,
and then we'll be through.
be through
I found you with him again.
Found out about everything,
and you can deny this all you want
but you can pretend that you weren't caught.
But this is more than you and me
this is about being deceived.
being deceived
You should have waited until you ended this
then you'd have nothing to confess.
I thought you'd leave me next to nothing
but now your leaving me much less.
leaving me much less
And I
will get through this
until justice prevails.
And I
gave you this
for nothingness
and lies.
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26 Meanings

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Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

ahh.. this song touchz me so deep.. i can relate so well

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

omg, i love this song sooo much! its probably my favorite of alll FSF songs....and i love them :)

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

it's basically about this someone cheating on their mate.

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

*this is about

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

this song is amazing. . my exboyfriend is with my ex best friend now and wow does this song make me want to go and chop off their....... well, you get the idea

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

great song ... love the CD , highly recommended ... plus it reminds me of the guy i was previously dating ... jerk ...

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

Yes, song touches me in all the wrong ways, it brang up old memories and its not to hear a really dark song everyonce in a while. I also love the instrumental part of the song, couldnt ask for anymore from FSF

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

It doesnt remind me of anything, I just like it!

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

I think it is about how his girlfriend cheats on him but he still has feelings for her and he is just angry. I like this song a lot and i can realte to it for different reasons...no one cheated on me just some parts of it don't realte to cheating...you know?

Cover art for Justice Prevails lyrics by Further Seems Forever

this is a great song. songs without a definitive chorus are awesome. :)