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Shut Up Lyrics

Shut the fuck up she said
I'm going fucking deaf
you're always too loud
everything's too loud

Now that all my friends left
this place is fucking dead
I want to move out
when can we move out
this shit has got to stop
I'll run away

Get the fuck up she said
your life is meaningless
it's going nowhere
you're going nowhere

You're just a fuck up she said
I'll live alone instead
she said "you don't care"
I know I don't care

I'll never ask permission from you
fuck off I'm not listening to you
I'm not coming home
I'm never going to come back home

I got too fucked up again
and passed out on the plane
tried to forget you
I can't forget you

No sleep on this flight
I'll think about the nights
we had to get through
how did we get through?

I'll never ask permission from you
fuck off I'm not listening to you
I'm not coming home
I'm never going to come back home
I'll run away

I think it's time that I should leave
I think it's time that I should leave
I think it's time that I should leave
I think it's time that I should leave

I'll never ask permission from you
fuck off I'm not listening to you
I'm not coming home
I'm never going to come back home
I'll run away

I think it's time for me to leave (I'll run away)
I think it's time for me to leave (I'll run away)
I think it's time for me to leave (I'll run away)
I think it's time for me to leave (I'll run away)
56 Meanings
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My song to my Mother...

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my song to my pet iguana. im leaving you.

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this is my song to my entire family. id say fuck you but that'd be too typical. so if youre ever on--feel free to read ya mooks. you earned this.

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agree totally with lorienmarene, and also half of my "friends"

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I agree, too. Diffently feeling this about my mom. Always yelling at me and telling me my life is meaningless.

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i never really thought this was a very " deep " sorta song but after reading the commients from u guys and then listening to it.. i realised it sorta is a depressing song...

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This is one of Blink 182's most angry songs. I love this song. I'd love to sing it to a few certain people. Thanks.


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lol zipped6648... me too. sometimes id love to sing it to my parents as well. and to teachers. and to a lot of people at my school. my sister. hmm... the fucking world, sometimes. my boss. yuppers.

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This is the greatest song ever. Let someone boss you around for a while, then go get a case of beer, a tac hammer,and some epson salt. Oh yeah sing this song as loud as you can. See if they ever boss you around again. Mark is totally pissed at people telling him what to do an do and he fucking let them have it.

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actually its about a girl. but i still think the chorus is great to sing to anyone.

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