112 Meanings
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Carousel Lyrics

I talk to you every now and then
I never felt so alone again
I stop to think at a wishing well
My thoughts send me on a carousel
Here I am standing on my own
Not a motion from the telephone
I know not a reason why
Solitudes a reason to die

Just you wait and see
As school life is a
It is a woken dream
Aren't you feeling alone?

I guess its just another
I guess its just another
I guess its just another night alone

Now as I walk down the street
I need a job just to sleep in sheets
Buying food every once in a while
But not enough to purchase a smile

A tank of gas is a treasure to me
I know now that nothing is free
I talk to you every now and then
I never felt so alone again

Just you wait and see
As school life is a
It is a woken dream
Aren't you feeling alone?

I guess its just another
I guess its just another
I guess its just another night alone
112 Meanings
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its like, hang onto your youth, you think it sucks, but its the best time

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Best Blink song ever?


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I know this wouldn't be the 'official' meaning but this song reminds me of being a university/college student. You're low on money from not having a too flash job & paying fees, and you're always alone because you need to study and do assignments.

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I like how the song relates, how everyone thinks skool sux, but then they hit the real world, all on their own, and wish it was the way it was before. F*uking great song.

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I love this song. The intro is just so.. sad, in a beautiful way. It's melody and rhythm gets stuck in my head for days and days.. makes me want to grab a bass.

These are my favourite parts: "I talk to you every now and then I never felt so alone again I stop to think at a wishing well My thoughts send me on a carousel Here I am standing on my own Not a motion from the telephone I know not a reason why Solitudes a reason to die " "..Buying food every once in a while But not enough to purchase a smile ... I know now that nothing is free I talk to you every now and then I never felt so alone again."

I am so sad that i didn't discover blink earlier. I don't think their new records are crap, they're just different. It's unavoideble to be influenced and everything by other stuff.. I'm just a kid, i'm 14, so i guess that unless somebody blasted me one of their first cds back in the 90's, i wouldn't have known them. I, unfortunatly came to know them with TOYPnJ. Still, i love them, their music rocks and it is and will always stay in my cd player. I know all of their records and all of their songs. I'm not one of those idiots whom, just because she or he saw them once on MTV calls himself a blink fan. I truly am one. And i'm so fucking depressed they broke up...you guys clear all that shit up and bring back those awesome guitar riffs!

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ah the drumming in this song is just awesome. of course it is the same beat that scott always used (especially in dude ranch). but its amazing. i mean travis is a good drummer and all, but i thought that scott fit better with the band because he has a very punk style, meanwhile travis is musically trained.

but anyway. its basically about a period of lonliness that people go through, and growing up. and the line "I stop to think at a wishing well My thoughts send me on a carousel" is saying how he just could wish it all away, and the carousel part is how everything used to be so fun, but hes now in the real world.

"Now as I walk down the street I need a job just to sleep in sheets Buying food every once in a while But not enough to purchase a smile "

this shows how life gets hard when u grow up.

"school life is a It is a woken dream "

the woken dream part shows how everything used to be good, but is now gone.

well anyway this song relates to me so much. and i just love it. and my band does an awesome cover of it.

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I love this song so much. And blink. And tom. (btw tom you better come back mister) This song is actually genius. Blink-182 is amazing with making simple catchy tunes and all but they are also really good at portraying the mood/feeling of the subject/lyrics. Its just awesome. I think that is more important as an musician than just performing "good" or being too decorated in appearance/style. And I hate how people say blink sucks/stupid. Oh well i feel bad for those people.

Okay now Carousel! So this song is so good because we can all relate to it somehow. It's magical.

"I stop to think at a wishing well My thoughts send me on a carousel" to me this means he is having a bit of a problem in his life --> goes to a wishing well to peacefully think (maybe WISH for a better something). But he has so much on his mind that his head is spinning like a carousel.

"I know not a reason why Solitudes a reason to die" We all know how horrible loneliness is. One of the worst things for humans. I agree, it does feel like a reason to die

"Just you wait and see (just you wait and see) As school life is a It is a woken dream" I like this because i feel like tom is speaking to me. I'm still a sophomore at highschool and this song wakes me up from my glumness and i remind myself that i should be thankful for my school time, it only comes once you know <-- stuff like that. I also think and relate to "woken dream". School life is a bore sometimes. In class, i often just daydream. I am awake but dreaming. Its awesome to hear tom say it.

"Aren't you feeling alone?" sometimes I wanna answer tom. YES I DO

"Now as I walk down the street I need a job just to sleep in sheets Buying food every once in a while But not enough to purchase a smile A tank of gas is a treasure to me I know now that nothing is free I talk to you every now and then I never felt so alone again" I dont think i can explain this part right because it is already so perfect unexplained. Also... im not out of the house living on my own yet so i can't relate yet. I guess i will understand it better when im older.

"I guess its just another I guess its just another Night alone" To me somehow blink makes this line not sound depressing. Even if the line itself is a bit sad. I don't know how to describe it xD but blink-182 music, you just have to listen to it, and feel tha feelings


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Thats what i call a song...It talks about growing up and how hard it is to be alone.I lived for 4 months by myself and it sucks to come home and not have anyone there.And most of the time the only thing to do is go ride around and spend the only money you got on gas.

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Yeah, I think it talks about how hard it will be later, but I like the rhythm and stuff too, it's great.

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this song's really deep, i like it. blink r such legends

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