You Can Take the Boy Out of Bradenton Lyrics

i just might carve it in my skin so there is no mistaking it might tear the walls down with my hands if there is time i might spend every night just drinking it might be my mistaking it i might never stop the flame from burning so i ask myself again why do i let this roll my way as if i have a chance to change it fears� can not read them from escaping� might be all i have progress� do i need this from expanding i can never stop i can't stop to let myself wither but i can dream of an answer i won't stop to let myself wither so i fight this plague
Song Info
Submitted by
standardarmy On Nov 25, 2001
5 Meanings
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hey, some moron called this song Emo. this is an awesome song... not emo at all

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you're right, the version i had downloaded was called emo. i couldnt figure out what the hell he was saying in this song so i looked it up here, and just now i found out the real title.

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this is such a cool song, its cool how the drummer plays on the outside part(i dont play drums) of the bass drum.. yea

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Amazing. I'm lovin the key change in the middle. Ignore the emo people, they think they can claim any music genre for themselves.

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Emo started as post-hardcore music that focused heavily on emotions.

HWM is one of the most powerful and emotional bands I've ever listened to, which is why they are my favorite band. That and I'm from Gainesville.

There isn't one song that they half ass.

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