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Chalkline Lyrics

We see the billboard girl
the one devoted to ritual
standing in the rain
holding all of her pain inside

I know you're hurting now
but I can't point my finger at
the words I should or shouldn't say
to take the pain away

to walk alone on the streets tonight
and fear nothing
to choose to love what we are in this life
and shine brighter
don't let the crosses and dollar signs
the symbols of man unkind
make you feel
that you're not real
all this time walk out
out of the shadows

we see the lines in chalk
the warning sign for where we walk
in the shadows of the cities maze
to try and fight
for better days

yeah we're ungrateful
yeah we're ungrateful for
holy books, religious men
values of beauty, original sin
all this time we unwind it
i won't give up, i'm not afraid

Resister go
as long as it takes
to reverse the hypocrisy
challenge the stakes
of safety and survival
at the heart
of women's voices
women's art

to walk alone on the streets tonight
and fear nothing
to choose to love what we are in this life
all that matters
don't let the crosses and dollar signs
the symbols of man unkind . . .
I won't give up
through all this time walk out
out of the shadows

if we take
our strength
to market
to trade
for their
watch us
grow up
to war

no more
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23 Meanings

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Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

"we see the lines in chalk the warning sign for where we walk"

For me, this seems like a song about murder, just for these two lines. When someone is murdered, their body is usually outlined in chalk and most people avoid that area, sensing danger.

"at the heart of women's voices women's art"

Here, I see the rape victim part. I'm going to guess rape/murder victims is what the song is about from the lines so far.

"watch us grow up to war"

Signifying violence, I'm guessing. The rape theory isn't neccasarily supported by this, but the murder is.

I'm going to guess that the song is about women raped and then murdered in the city. I'll probably change my mind after I listen to the song a few more times.

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

this is a great song, even if i cant really relate to it as good as....oohhh say, deciding from savestheday, but its still a great song

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

such strong lyrics...i love it.

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

these lyrics are so artistic i love it, living in so-cal i think i can most relate to "don't let the crosses and dollar signs the symbols of man unkind make you feel that you're not real" gives me the chills

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

i just saw these guys tonite and the singer said this song was about rape victims....

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

okay, so my question is. when i saw them. they called this song something else. like something about red...savior of red? Eh, i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about that 'cause i thought it was odd. anyway, awesome song. one of my favorites by them.

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

I always thought this song had a little bit more to do with rape and just the general opression of women in society... like "the billboard girl" the idea that society tells us how to look and how to be thin and pretty... and "to choose to love what we are in this life and shine brighter" it's somthing a lot of women cannot because of the insecurites our society has forced us to have... I can really relate to this song a lot..

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

I really like this song. I think they did a good job of mixing in the keys (i'm pretty sure its keys that sounds like a woodwind sorta). The song is actaully kind of refreshing and after reading the other post I relised it really is about rape victims. Just wondering but do they have a non-acoustic version of this song?

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

Thomas is a lyrical genious

Cover art for Chalkline lyrics by Strike Anywhere

this is the best fucking song i have ever heard, souch amazing and touching lyrics, fuken talented band