A Year In The Past Forever In The Future Lyrics

This is a time in my life where everything is falling apart, and at the same time itÕs all coming together. Those summer days that I longed for never really were what I wanted them to be. Just like when beautiful people drive ugly cars. I'm hitting the road again with five of my best friends. We always seem to disagree, but I still enjoy their company. And when I leave I'll make you another mixed tape. Those singers always know just what to say. My throat's already hurting, and it isn't even the first day. The record sounds great, but for some reason I can't pull it off from day to day.
13 Meanings
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I dunno why you people never notice the small time bands, grade is an exceptional band, and needs to be shown some interest. Well, as for this song, (there are two versons of it) it's about the begining of Grade. I think it was the first song they recorded was about a girl he loved. Five of his best friends are his band mates, beautiful people driving ugly cars are about how youth is beautiful, but at the same time kinda cheap.

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Definately one of themost underappreciated bands in the hardcore/punk scene. I can't emphasis how great this band is. Buy their music fools!

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the first time i ever heard this song it was practically a life changing experience. Sure, the excrement hit the air conditioning. But now that it's out of the way...

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grade are unreal. but this song really eats the crust off my ass. I hate this song, it ruins under the radar

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This dude screwed up the lyrics pretty bad...unless the other version is way different, but I have the one from under the radar. There's lots of words screwed up, and in the first verse he's missing a line.

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There's like one added word. It's practically perfect... unless it was updated recently...

Anyway, this song is excellent. It pretty much describes this time in my life.

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its a shame the singer is piece of crap and every member except him quit grade to start a new band called Heir the the Throne. he ruined one of my favorite bands.

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grade was one of the greatest band's ive ever seen live, and you dont know how pissed i am that i wont get to see them again. heir to the throne? what the hell is up with that

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best show i've ever seen was grade in melbourne 2001

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it's to bad they broke up... im glad i at least got to see them once. they will be forever missed.

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