9 Meanings
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Unhappy Girl Lyrics

Unhappy girl,
Left all alone.
Playing solitaire.
Playing warden to your soul.
You are locked in a prison
Of your own device.
And you can't believe
What it does to me
To see you

Unhappy girl,
Tear your web away.
Saw through all your bars.
Melt your cell today.
You are caught in a prison
Of your own device.

Unhappy girl,
Fly fast away.
Don't miss your chance.
To swim in mystery.
You are dying
In a prison of your
Own device.
9 Meanings
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The girl can be unhappy for numerous reasons...it could be devise as a drugs, or just a bad habbit. I always tought that he sings:" You a god in a prison of your own devise", but I see here that is not a case. Too bad.

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Makes me think of the "merriam-the-librarian" type. Jim wants to liberate her from her invisible, "prison of her own devise" with his potent sex magick.

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I think this song is about a girl who has been left alone and because of this somehow she cannot be herself. She is "playing warden to her soul". It hurts Jim to see her in this state and so he's telling her to be herself, to "saw through all her bars". In the last verse I think he's telling her to take chances and live on the edge, because there's nothing more satisfying than to "swim in mystery"

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I think it's a great song. I am guessing it's about a lonely girl.

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I think it's a great song. I am guessing it's about a lonely girl.

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I feel like it's about this girl who he left, and he saw her cry and it made him sad but he had to leave her for him and for her, and now she's just trapping herself in misery.

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This song is about a girl who invented a technology that could be used for surveillance, among other things, although this was not her intended purpose. She didn't get credit for it, but little did she know that some perverted psychopaths would use that technology to watch her 24/7 and control every aspect of her life. Not surprisingly, this made her life miserable. They claimed they did it to study the way her mind works, but really it was just because they're perverted psychopaths.

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I think this song is about obiously a girl, but she is shy and she have create a imaginary prison to protect hersel from others, but she is met Jim and she is inacessible and folded on herself. But he is conviced her to "swin in mystery" so for me its probably have sex with him or explore new thing like LSD. Its my own personal thougts when i heard this song but i am not in his head so no one could be sure what this song is about.

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Now, the really sad thing here is that the lyrics contain an obvious usage mistake: "devise", a verb, (pronounced "dee-vize") meaning "to create" or "to invent" instead of "device", a noun, (pronounced "dee-VICE", as in "he have de vice of gamblin'") meaning something created to perform a specific purpose.

"You are locked in a prison of your own device."

And guess what: ain't no one here spotted this and they even proliferated the error by using the same incorrect term in their comments.

And of course, the phrase "of one's own device" is in very common literary usage to make an ironic observation that one has been screwed by one's very own actions--a lot like the phrase "hoist with one's own petard".

Ultimately, we are treated to the comic spectacle of folk working seriously to interpret a fairly literate lyric, and these same folk can't spot a simple spelling/usage error. I try to be as tolerant and democratic as the next man, but until you can spot this sort of error, you have not yet acquired the price of admission to participate in serious discussion.

@sawfish666 HAHA, good work. Everyone is sloppy these days.

@sawfish666 You are certainly unique in your arbitrarity. I can't help but wonder how you came to believe that the accidental (and probably resultative of the bandwagon effect) substitution of a single letter merits complete disqualification from the entire realm of logical discussion.

I will, however, absolutely agree that this comment section is extraordinarily dull. "I am guessing it's about a lonely girl"? Really?

Ultimately, quality discussion can stem from nearly any source, even entirely illiterate people (though obviously not online). The ability to identify such a small mistake has far lesser bearing on its owner's utility than...

@sawfish666 I don't see devise as an error... The verb devise means to plan, invent, or form in one's mind. Device meaning a machine or tool. A prison formed in one's own mind makes more sense logically, than a prison as a device. Sorry for my pedantry.

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