12 Meanings
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Big City Lyrics

concrete and chaos rise up
spiderweb across the land
like a giant rash
forests lie down below
foundations of buildings in a bed of ash
some people here got it real good
cuz the glass towers bring prosperity
other people starve in the street
because concrete knows no sympathy
big city its a wishing well,
big city its a living hell
this town its fucking insane
how one will starve and another will gain
like a giant mechanical brain
and the people are cells and the streets are veins
it thinks only of itself
a thousand limbs crawling as it expands and grows
and still the concrete sits there
sits there stark grey and cold
and I think I wanna be a brick layer
so I can put another brick in the wall
its sanitary rational happy and sane
growing like a flower to surround us all
Song Info
Submitted by
emojustin On Nov 22, 2001
12 Meanings
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it talks about how our society chooses to forget about people who dont fit the mold. They instead spend there time earning more money and becoming more prosperious. THe buildings and skyscrapers that are being built symbolise this "forgetting." they are taking the place of the parks and all the good things in life... the concrete doesn't feel. thus these people with their 9 to 5 jobs dont feel for the less fortunate.

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this is a perfect ortrail of life right here in chicago,.no selflessess no compasson,.just hertless money grubbing HEY!! someone put Sarcastic on the lyrics!!!!!

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this song is about how cities are taking over and how they can be so different for different people and how they can either be great or hell. what does the line "and I think I wanna be a brick layer so I can put another brick in the wall mean?" ive been trying to figure out for a long time.

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good song good song good song

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its about how corrupt everyone is

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NYC can suck my schmee [along with all other cities that would apply thereof]

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Why do you say NYC can suck your whatever a schmee is?
Where would your precious punk-rock be without New York? EVERYONE is not corrupt in NY, get that straight. There are 8 million people here, okay?
There are truly amazing people here, of every kind and every race. I'm sure you can't say that about Mt. Pleasant. I enjoy Op Ivy, but this is a kind of one-sided view of the city. City=Bad. Yeah, well, the Bay area isn't exactly Hickville. You don't think there's corruption and greed going on in your neck of the woods? You're fucking wrong, it's just played out differently. As long as there's money to be made, there will be corruption and greed, no matter where you are. It's just the cities are where the money concentrates.

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Why do you say NYC can suck your whatever a schmee is?
Where would your precious punk-rock be without New York? EVERYONE is not corrupt in NY, get that straight. There are 8 million people here, okay?
There are truly amazing people here, of every kind and every race. I'm sure you can't say that about Mt. Pleasant. I enjoy Op Ivy, but this is a kind of one-sided view of the city. City=Bad. Yeah, well, the Bay area isn't exactly Hickville. You don't think there's corruption and greed going on in your neck of the woods? You're fucking wrong, it's just played out differently. As long as there's money to be made, there will be corruption and greed, no matter where you are. It's just the cities are where the money concentrates.

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o man u guys shud cum 2 tulsa(ok).... i used 2 live there... its bad.... u hav the poor black families who all live in the north and they arent making it by at ALL and their air conditiong is bad and they live next 2 prostitutes and stufm then u go 10 milkes south and u hav all the oilmen and theyre stay at home wives that go 2 saks every weekend 2 get theyre hair done..wow ididnt no i could type that much!

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