11 Meanings
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The Crowd Lyrics

wrenched into the world, deanaesthetized
blurry images fight their way through halfway opened eyes
awakened by alarm fifteen minutes of hygeine
twenty minutes of eating thirty seconds to the door
I looked outside I looked into the eyes
of the impersonal mob I've seen a thousand times before
feeling under covers like books on a shelf
if we're scared of one another
must be scared of ourself
more than just another crowd
we need a gathering instead
drink drink in the badland liquid bread for the poor
another member of the crowd goes down to drown at the liquor store
choose your escape in the heartland
of product and demand when you feel like a wasp in the swarm
you gotta get away anyway that you can
Song Info
Submitted by
emojustin On Nov 22, 2001
11 Meanings
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this is song is great. its about more than high school, it's about finally realizing how much the real world sucks, how its all corrupt and meaningless. Its how living a normal life wears you down until you becoma a subhuman conformist machine, and how so many people try to use alchohol as a way to escape, but it actually pulls them in.

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i feel this song is about someone who has social anxiety or something, the first verse is about waking up obviously and if you do have social anxiety the safest place to you is your house and you would count every second in it before you have to go outside

then the next part is about how you go outside and see the thing you are terrified of, people. "Feeling under covers like books on a shelf" this is saying you hide under your covers like a closed book on a shelf. then it goes on to say how if your scared of people you are then scared of yourself.

the it goes on to say no people are not a crowd and something to fear, and maybe people should gather instead

now the final bit talks about how you drink to relieve your anxiety, then the line "Of product and demand when you feel like a wasp in the swarm You gotta get away anyway that you can" is saying when you feel like surround you try to run and hide anyway you can

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I love how these comments were posted 14 years ago.... When I was a year old. Now I'm 15 and can relate to every word in this song, learning it on guitar, and struggling through the bulshit of high school. I live in such a nice town and it's amazing how many people we lose to alcohol. Everyone is trying to fit in with the trends made popular by social media, just to be cool. To me, it's really sad.

@GarrettSJ13 finally someone my age that has a great taste of music, im 17 and i totally get you, fuck its nice to know punks got some young life left in it, I cant stand our generation of music, man

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This is Operation Ivy's best song in my opinion.

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This is obviously a song about high school. the whole part of hygeine, eating, and getting out the door is about before. then when you get into the mass you see everyone. i feel it's about a kids struggle to fit in. he is pressured into drinking and sees everyone doing it. very good song.

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op ivy is a very good ska punk band best ay that

what ska?

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ok the first 4 lines of the song are definitly about gettings up early in the day and getting ready and leaving your house, and the last 4 lines are about escaping from reality by drinking... but what makes you say it's about high school i dunno, he doesnt really say anything about going anywhere, he just says going outside he sees the crowd so maybe the crowds outside his house say hes in the city then it would be people going to work? i dunno just an idea

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Operation Ivy are fucking amazing. This is my fav Op Ivy song. Hobart has a really good interpretation of the crowd. Op Ivy is suggesting tha tpeople need to come together and solve all these bullshit problems of the world.

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Operation Ivy was always about Unity, and that's what this song is about; how we lack unity. OpIvy was my favourite band for such a long time and this song was the greatest for me during that era. Still love Jesse's voice and Common Rider rocks as well.

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