How I Made My Millions Lyrics
I was better
Picked you out
Now don't say a word
No, don't yell out
Never mind
Let you out
Led you back
Stay on
Sit down
Let it fall
Let it fall
Let it fall
Let it fall

Thom yorke explained in concert that he was at the grocery store with his girlfriend and after he picked out a carton of eggs and paid for them she dropped the entire carton in the parking lot putting them in the car. He wasn't able to catch it in time and his girlfriend yelled out in excitement and regret. He told her to just get in the car and sit down. So when he got home he wrote this song.
well then! i believe that explains it all there. haha. Thanks Peoplewithhands :) Sometimes a song doesnt need to be too complicatedly interpreted, instead, its simple and bliss. This song is so beautiful, and it nearly made me cry.
well then! i believe that explains it all there. haha. Thanks Peoplewithhands :) Sometimes a song doesnt need to be too complicatedly interpreted, instead, its simple and bliss. This song is so beautiful, and it nearly made me cry.
My intrepation: Dont worry over the little things, let it fall, be free to let yourself go, i will look after you.
My intrepation: Dont worry over the little things, let it fall, be free to let yourself go, i will look after you.
Maybe a monkey with a drum I am to some, But know I'm not that to you
Maybe a monkey with a drum I am to some, But know I'm not that to you
That really makes sense and brings a tear to my eye, thank you! But where did you here this/what concert was this at?
That really makes sense and brings a tear to my eye, thank you! But where did you here this/what concert was this at?

this song is just beautiful, yorke just recorded it while slightly drunk at home on his piano (the noises in the background are his girlfriend putting shopping away) he took it into the recording studio and they just loved it so much they put the original straight on one of the singles (no surprises) you can see why, simply amazing

I thought it's been said that the lyrics are about nothing at all and it's a parody on the fact that a lot of critics say all his lyrics are about nothing..and as he has made all his money from songwriting that is how he made his "millions"...well..anyhooo..

at first i thought it was a piss take
but i think i take him at his word i was stronger better' makes me think Thom's telling us at first he tried to be more genuine than other of his ilk; but now he sees hes just like the rest of us therefor he made his millions just like musicians; he tried to be more valued and high minded but now he reliazes its not true, at least for him and hes still slightly ashamed to admit it 'no don't yell out-nevermind' he trying to accept it 'let it fall let it fall'

i think i was stronger i was better is a referance to the 6 million dollar man (as well as the title) picked you out, the consumer talking to the discman, or thom talking to the consumer. dont worry this wont hurt a bit, but in the end he cant go through with it. let you out led you back stay on sit down let it fall, sounds like a good description of radioheads basic message, dont buy into new music, don't let yourself be a target, technology cant stop you from being human so u'll still have to deal with the consequences, but buy our cd, stay here but dont participate, just let it fall. which sounds like how thom made his millions, why the next albums called KIDA, and what the song KIDA is all about.

now that just seems stupid :x--bleh ./. || it may be a reference to the 6 million dollar man as the title sort of suggests who was saved from death with the infusion of technology into his body, but the rest of the song i think is still just about that. we are born and try to survive and increase our chances of survival by improving on ourselves, using tools and technology and we become slaves to all our computers, all our appliances etc... and then as we grow up we stare in the face the certainty of our own death and try to become what we once were we try to understand how it is all meaningless, we digust ourselves, lose our innocence then try to turn back. "there's a little child..""(aghost)howlin' down the chimney release me" we seperate ourselves from who we used to be and forget that this is who we've forced ourselves to become and each bit we've added has to be removed if we want to... i think its written like a speach made by the former self after a re-birth, to the present self(now the former self) but if it does tell the story of how i made my millions, then it might be some sort of conversation between the former and present selves, 1st 2 are present, next former, next 2 present, then former again, then the next 2 present again. after that i think it could go either way depending on whether you think there's hope for re-birth or believe in...

ok i think i got confused keeping track of all these selves, or is it selfs, anyhow... stay on, sit down, let it fall... is neither the present(now former) nor the former it is the new self that is constantly being created

ok my last interp on this simple song (i wish i could erase the others) its about cyborgs as the future of man and about how technology frees us but ultimatly enslaves us, and demeans us. self control

i think it's about no self esteem. how you just get emotionally weak and your significant other wants you to be stronger. how you hide feelings inside and just let things fall. it's kinda like "im so sad i dont care anymore" type of feeling.. whatever
i love this song

This song is really beautiful in its simplisticity. I believe the background noise is his wife doing the washing up, or at least part of the noise.