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Where The Arrow Went Out Lyrics
if i make it home with what i have left i'll never ever leave again. and i don't know if it was the weight of your words or the way you said my name. say my name. that sent me packing. i stagger away. if i never see your face again it won't kill me half as much as it will keep me alive. keep me alive. two hundred fifty miles and i still can't shake the thought of your place. the thought of you. the smell of you the smell of your house the thought of your face
Song Info
Submitted by
planes On Nov 22, 2001
More Planes Mistaken for Stars

Copper and Stars

The Past Two

Standing Still Fast

The Part You Left Out

End Me In Richmond

this song is everything.

this sounds like that whole idea of one person keeping you going through life. for me it's my little brother! but i know this song is mor eromantic about it. (sigh)

this is the best song over, after Copper & Stars

i def think this is one of, if not the, best song of theirs

Anyone who can get through "KEEP ME ALIVE!" without getting up and moving is deaf.

ah! i love this song the lyrics are amazing 'if i never see your face again it wont kill me half as much as it will keep me alive' mmm i love it

wow...this song means so much to me

I pushed these guys to play this song live for years... never happened.