Standing Still Fast Lyrics

i strapped my memories to my back i'm leaving. i'm already gone. and i was on a train somewhere wishing sweet stings to you. to make you never forget the poetry in wanting. i want those days to hold you
9 Meanings
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ive never heard the song but just reading the lyrics makes me love the song : )

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You should download the song or buy their cd from This is an amazing song. Who hasn't felt like this at some point in their lives? He wants to forget everything that is holding back, he's trying to get through it all. That person he can't forget, he's trying to forget, but it's hard, he wants them to know how he feels, he wants them to feel the pain that he feels, the regret, the hope, he wants this person to be reminded each and every day about what went wrong, and the memories that seem to never fade.

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'i strapped my memories to my back i'm leaving' ....perfect. but i just cant seem to leave.

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need i say more?

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i love it. i think i'm too emotional for my own good. i'm going to go cry.

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i hear you dude...

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I've read alot of songs and they are good lyrically wise. Just on the short side.

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awesome song, really puts things into perspective well for me anyway "on a train to somewhere wishing sweet stings to you"

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Wow a long time since the last comments on this song - quite a shame because I think this is my favourite song ever written. It reminds me of a day 4 years ago a cold december day where I took a train to Birmingham with some friends - right in the midst of my head being ruined by a girl who lived a couple thousand miles away and really feeling the distance and looking out the train window at the sky - everything was 'poetry in wanting' and for her to remember the time we did spend together - 'those days to hold you' - and for it to take a hold on her the way it did to me.

ends up she was a bitch anyway but hey

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