39 Meanings
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Accident Prone Lyrics

What's the furthest place from here?
It hasn't been my day for a couple years.
What's a couple more?
And if I go, don't forget the one good thing I almost did.
I learned your name without words.
I used my eyes, not my hands.
What's the closest you can come to an almost total wreck and still walk away,
All limbs intact?
And when I go, you'll be there crying out, begging me.
I won't hear.
I'll just go fast into this night on broken legs.
A near miss or a close call?
I keep a room at the hospital.
I scratch my accidents into the wall.
I couldn't wait to breathe your breath.
I cut in line,
I bled to death.
I got to you, there was nothing left.
What's the meanest you can be to the one you claim to love
And still smile to your new found friends?
In the same confusing breath,
You pull away and draw me in.
I wanted you. You wanted more.
I built this life and now it's mine.
Song Info
Submitted by
emojustin On Nov 22, 2001
39 Meanings
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I guess I'm the only one, but I hear the lyrics to this song and assume it's about a suicide attempt and not the first one as the subject is prone to "accidents" and keeps a room at the hospital. "I cut in line, I bled to death" I feel is a literal line, not figurative as in cut in a line on his wrist.

My Interpretation
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this is an incredible song. Jawbreaker's lyrics are some of the best out there

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yah totally agree, awesome imagery

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i like this song and jawbreakers awesum but im dum i wish i knew wut the lyrics 2 this 1 meant

@tallman_al He's comparing the end of a relationship to a car accident.

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Geesh, great song. I get the beginning not so much the end. Basically this guy isn't happy with his life, and he gets into lots of accidents but maybe they aren't accidents. But he finds a girl he likes, and he loves her but something is wrong. I can't figure out what. She's either too good for him or maybe she's seen him torture hisself and it tears her up inside. So theres nothing left in her. Maybe his actions pushed her over the edge and now he has to go on living even though he's the one who never wanted to. We need someone smarter in here to figure this one out.

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Yeah this is one of the hardest songs I've ever tryed to figure out. i think is sorta about him being far to emotionally invovled with everything and every little relationship he gets into takes something out of him emotionally. By the time he finds the girl he really loves so much stuff has happened to him, he has nothing left to give her but all his issues, and confusion

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mabey i can help. he has reached rock bottom, he feels that he has nothing left to live for and that he has truly givin his heart away to someone who he thought would understand all the shit he has been through. he is so mentaly react up that he keeps going back the hopital but they can never find out what is wrong with him. he loved this girl very much, but it was to late, he found out that he could do somthing more in his life then tend to her. the song goes through a time when he felt like he would bled without her to realizing that she isn't the only thing he lives for. this song is truly beautiful.

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Actually if you guys would have listened to the live album then you would know its about a "scary time we had last winter" at least thats what they said.

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Actually if you guys would have listened to the live album then you would know its about a "scary time we had last winter" at least thats what they said.

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Actually if you guys would have listened to the live album then you would know its about a "scary time we had last winter" at least thats what they said.

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