4 Meanings
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The Watermark High Lyrics

Feel this heaven pours over me
Carries me backwards as I await
And then I feel I'm going back again
And I feel this way
Found the river that covers me
Feel they talk with alarm just sirens born with faulty switches again
Found the river that covers me
Feel the river has run to cover your cost whatever the loss These days

Force the water over me, two step dance hall leader
Force the water over me, feel I can't stop breathing

Cool side carousel revolves and wash away this call

Feel this river all over me
Lily white lies like to form you wear your lie right on your coat these days
Feel I'm ready I'm coming down face down water filled breather
Feel I'm ready I'm coming down feel I can't stop screaming
4 Meanings
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nobody comments on this song because they dont really know what it means, well i do......and thats why it is such a great song, it may be the best song in the universe. I'm not sure I'll have to ask someone but based on my unfathomable knowledge i would say "yes it is".

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Hey now, I like this song, too. It's cool. I like Elliott's music period.

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hey slyguy, care to tell us what it means since you know?

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I'm thinking suicide?

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