16 Meanings
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South Street, 1 AM Lyrics

Philadelphia today, a face my eyes to see
Cold wind to move a tape of songs
For this time in youth, a score I've set to you
And images of a world that's passing by
Lay me down I'll sleep for days
And dream of you
Lay me down I'll sleep for days
Dreams subtract the distance
Attention paid to leaves slowly turn their shades
Ignore increasing miles that argue with
A decision to come, despite my better thought
But I can't argue with my...
From this house for roads and hours
I swallow hard
For your words this drives existence
I can't wait to see you
16 Meanings
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South Street is fun at 1am....this song is hardly about that thouhgh...

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reminds me of my boyfriend =]

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:) i know the person who this song is about i can tell you the story if you'd like

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yeah i cant believe people compare them to STD. i love std but they dont sound anything like fairweather. their music is a lot more complex and their instrumentals are better. not to mention the lyrics. : )

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tell the story

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Yeah, tell the story, please. And i agree with the saves the day comment, i love saves the day, but they sound a lot different. I'm a big fan of this song though, along with fairweather's first cd. Haven't gotten a copy of the new one yet, but hopefully soon. These guys are talented, and what's not to like about a song about philly.

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Well about the saves the day comparison... if you had heard the fairweather demo, you would see they were definately in resemblence of the album can't slow down by saves the day. Though as most bands tend to do fairweathers style changed as they matured. all you filesharin jerkies can most likely find some mp3s of the demo if you try p.s. louisitania is gonna rock!

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i wanna know the story too...

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Great song

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aaawesome. it means coming home for Thanksgiving I heart the breakdown at th end

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