If They Move...Kill Them Lyrics
Tact eludes speech even in whispers
Pieces of my broken thoughts
Mumble through my teeth you learn
I can't keep myself straight
Constant fight to know wants
And let my energy be screamed out
You see my way before my eyes catch on
And I don't trust you
I can't keep myself straight
You're the first to hear me say it
And it's the last thing that she said
That's got me thinking
It's the last thing that she said that changes everything
It's all I know
It's everything
Just stay right here and...
What I want to come true
Will never be real
It's getting hard to see you
It's healthier to stay away from you now
She said you're the one she cant live without
And to those words I try to hold on
It's hard to know it time for me to go
Misplaced by closeness, thoughts of friendship
Fail to sate the thoughts I have of us
You know you said
That I'm beautiful but what's beauty to you and
You wrote to me, said you missed me
But is that the best that you can do?

"Rating: 5 in 8 votes" 4 of those votes were mine :)

haha i do that too, fairweather kicks

great song...fairweather is awsome

my favorite fairweather song

very good song and the cd is great too. im trying to buy it but i cant find it. where is it?

i saw these dudes last night they were really good and i was glad to finally see them

hey cantslowdown. i found it at Best Buy. if that helps --andrew

man this song is amazing. so is the band. i wish more people would realize their talent.

awesome song. awesome guys.

i could be totally wrong but is this song about the singer being gay? i don't know if he is or not, but if you think about it like that and read the lyrics it makes sense sometimes. particularly the lines "I can't keep myself straight, Constant fight to know wants". just an idea.