17 Meanings
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Path of Least Resistance Lyrics

Gone fishing
I'm taking
The path of least resistance
Song Info
Submitted by
planes On Nov 22, 2001
17 Meanings
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cool. i count 9 words.. anybody disagreee?

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The absolute, best song in the world

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Awesomest song in all of sad sappy sucker. No one but isaac will ever know what it means though.

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I don't think this is such a complicated song at all., gone fishin obviously means he went crazy. and as for taking the path of least resistance, I haved considered that my philosophy before I heard this song. It means to do whatever it takes to have as little things happen in your life to avoid problems, but the double-edged sword effect leaves you with no good things either. That's just my take on this Awesomest / absolute, best song in the world.

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if you ever heard the song "grey ice water" it shows this line in it again.

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This song is about doing the bear minimum to survive. You are gone fishin so that you can eat. You do not have a job and your only worry is what you will eat. That is the path of least resistance.

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I always thought it was about going fishing and getting away from the world. Taking the path of least resistance could mean just doing what feels natural, like getting out and doing something fun instead of whatever your usual routine is.

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i have to agree with relapser. hes going fishing, doing what he enjoys. no work no worries. its the easiest thing to do. basically it comes down to fuck it. when enough is enough and you just want to get away.

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This little song has an interesting connection to "Grey Ice Water". That song has a theme of moving to Alaska and working in the cannery/fishing business to escape an ex-girlfriend. Taking the "path of least resistance" is mentioned in that song, and as we all know how Brock likes to link diff. songs together with the same lyrics and themes, I wonder if the "gone fishin'...i'm taking the path of least resistance" has a connection to the theme of "Grey Ice Water".

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Everyone's saying that this is the best song on Sad Sappy Sucker, but I have to say that Black Blood and Old Newagers is by far my favourite on SSS. As for the meaning of this one here, I'm going to completely agree norwegianwood. Couldn't have written it better meself.

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