5 Meanings
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Y Plus White Girl Lyrics

since we breathe clock and telephone, basement fires keep us so alive. with confetti on the escalator steps, get set. phone calls. clock and tv sets. sense-sex. type and file. i'm not paid enough to understand that this position was always in demand. the boys throw the girls into the pool. so the girls throw the boys into the pool.
5 Meanings
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this song is the best q and not u song. everyone should get it or you should die...

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i agree

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since we breathe clock and telephone, basement fires keep us so alive is such a great line. our lives are limited by time and social constraints, but the good experiences can keep us satisfied and let us feel truly alive.

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I think that this song is a sociological, post-modernist perspective on the current human condition. I think there is a certain last gasp desperation and paranoid anxiousness that pervades a lot of the song and it conveys the previously mentioned perspective well. Our senses are constantly getting assaulted, whether by communication (telephones) or the need to constantly be "on the go." We have little time for self-reflection now with all the technology we have (kind of the price we have to pay, I suppose). I think when he says "basement fires keep us so alive" he is saying that ironicallly because before there was electricity, etc. people kept warm by fires, but now basement fires are just there for more "intimate" moments. I especially like the image of confetti on the escalator sets...kind of a celebration of mundane technology...plus all the confetti would just get crumbled in the constant rotation of the escalator. "I'm not paid enough to understand that this position was always in demand"- I think this line means that he thinks the work he does is meaningful, but anyone could do his job. I'm not sure what the girls/boys lines mean in the end though...maybe that it's everyone's fault that this is how life is now...?

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awesome guitar parts!

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