15 Meanings
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Kiss Distinctly American Lyrics

we kiss goodnight with a firm handshake and it's lights out for catholic computers. this is fantastic for you. i've been up at nights to paint the house ghost white. this is fantastic.
15 Meanings
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This song is so fu**kin good! By far my personal favorite of the Cd to me this song is talking about intimate contact. Wether its sex or holding hands. the first lyric " we kiss good night with a firm handshake" explains it all.

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You should get a new username if your going to listen to music like q and not u, it's far more intelligent than any punk rock or emo music. Q And Not U are simply amazing.

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this song is awesome yes, but i would just like to say screen names don't always show who people are Look at my name I come off to people as emo but I mostly listen to old school punk and a LOT of other stuff and i have a mohawk so why tell someone to change there sn the girl was only saying how awesome the song was

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Who cares about someone's screen name.

This song is a commentary on sex in religious-right dominated American culture. Probably my favorite song on the album and the one with the best message. It is so true.

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I care about screen names. It's hard to take someone with a really cliche "XemoXtearsX" user name. eh.

but I fucking love this song. favorite q and not u song.

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q and not u rawks my world... this song is just bomb to listen to when i need to kik back and chill. right on porelainhope, my words exactly.

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Q and not U, great guys too, sorry to John about his foot, heal quick buddy. I actually believe this song is about masturbating to internet porn in the middle of the night. "Firm Handshake" = Masturbation ... "this is fantastic for you" = The male belief that whomever they are having a fantasy about thinks that that particular y-chromosome is better in better than any other she's ever experienced. We men lie to our selves all too often ... The catholic computers may have a reference to rightist politics in America, but I think it is just furthering the point of internet masturbation, as the church does not condone these actions ... thus the "lights out."

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Hmmm.. I hope no one makes fun of my username. ;D

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Docseil....interesting interpretation. Mmm..I love most people's comments..seems to open my mind up.

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docseil - thank you. i've always thought that that's what the song was about, and people give me looks when i suggest it. i completely agree with your interpretations, where the Firm Handshake is the act itself, and Catholic computers not being able to bear witness to the sin that is masturbation. This is fantastic for you - he's just convincing himself that the subject of his exploits is enjoying it as well, to further the fantasy. Being up all night to paint the house white... well, you're all smart kids, i'm sure you can see where i'm going with that.

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