Forest Lyrics
To the forest of denial,
Speak with me my only mind,
Walk with me until the time,
And make the forest turn to wine,
You take the legend for a fall,
You saw the product,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.
Take this promise to the end,
Speak with me my only mind,
Walk with me until the end,
And make the forest turn to sand,
You take the legend for a fall,
You saw the product,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.
You saw the forest, now come inside,
You took the legend for its fall,
You saw the product of it all,
No televisions in the air,
No circumcisions on the chair,
You made the weapons for us all,
Just look at us now,
Why don't you know that you are my mind,
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
Take this promise to the end of you.

I think in this song the speaker is the actual religion of Judaism and it’s speaking to Christianity and Islam. It’s stating that both of those religions are simply different time/cultural interpretations of the same concept. Unfortunately ethnocentrism is so strong that they all hate each other for thinking differently. SOAD sees this and is basically telling them to all calm down and quit trippin’. It’s the same damn thing so quit hating each other. Quit fighting each other. “You took the legend for its fall, you saw the product of it all” is pointing out that after all these hundreds of years these three different monotheistic sects are trying to claim the same God, and with him his legends, and look how it turned out in the end…violencenad hate Now that we see that it didn’t work it’s time for us all to accept and respect all different religions because we’re all reaching the same “promise to the end.”

I think it says that our minds have the capacity to do a lot of good things but also bad things, "you made the weapons for us all" means that we made the weapons and we are not taking the responsability to use them correctly; for self protection. And the "just look at us now" is telling that we have turned out wrong.

Maybe i'm crazy, but I think the song is about an interaction with God trying to explain to Christ that he is not just a man, but that he was created in his image.
the chorus the reference to miracles (turn to wine, sand) tell everone that I'm you (created in image) take this promise to the end of you ( even if the truth kills you)
I think ur right waxxytwo because when serj says "walk with me my only child" hes meaning that God wants all of us o walk with him, follw him.also when he says "speak with me my only child" "why dont u know that u are my child" and "walk with me untill the end, turn the forest into sand" serj is saying all the things that god want us to do, walk with him, talk with him and promise him that we will follow him untill the end of your time.
I think ur right waxxytwo because when serj says "walk with me my only child" hes meaning that God wants all of us o walk with him, follw him.also when he says "speak with me my only child" "why dont u know that u are my child" and "walk with me untill the end, turn the forest into sand" serj is saying all the things that god want us to do, walk with him, talk with him and promise him that we will follow him untill the end of your time.

For me, this is written from the perspective of god... which is of course... you, and SOAD..
When we are born we forget that we are actually god. There is only one of us here. The purpose is to rediscover our godliness and the power we have the create new worlds in each and every moment. So.. this is god's cry to all of us that still haven't remembered that we are actually god. There is just ONE being here, split into billions of little parts.
"Why can't you see that you are my child?"
Every human on Earth is is part of the one complete whole. We are all children of the same parent - We are all family.
"Why don't you know that you are my mind"
We are all the awesome power of god's mind expressing itself in a physical form.
"Tell everyone in the world that I'm you"
Once you remember you are god, you have to take it upon yourself to remind others around you that still haven't realised this
"Take this promise to the end of you"
Promise to remind others of their godliness until you die.
@nial109624 PS when I say god I am not referring to any religion. I mean GOD, which is to say, all of existence.
@nial109624 PS when I say god I am not referring to any religion. I mean GOD, which is to say, all of existence.

This song reminds me of the novel, THE SCARLET LETTER. In such a case, where the child called to the forest which is the main characters daughter, and in come cases her own flesh and damned future. The forest which is an actual forest means so much more than a few trees and shade. It symbolizes the comfort of freedom from labels and tortures of society. It is however presumed to be evil by all who do not understand it, there-in to be lef to the "forest" some would call it "temptation".....

i think this song fits the religious view that some people have been saying with lines like:
"walk with me my little child, to the forest of denial" - God telling Jesus to walk with him (be guided by him) to the 'forest of denial' which could be the people in Israel who were starting to turn away from God.
"speak with my my only mind, walk with me until the time" - God telling Jesus to talk with him, and be guided by him until the time when he had to be crucified (the time)
"why cant you see that you are my child, why dont you know that you are my mind" - Jesus possibly denied or questioned God while he was dying on the cross, this is God talking back to him.
"tell everyone in the world that I'm you, take this promise to the end of you" - God commanding Jesus to tell everyone that he is God's son, and to take this promise to the end of him (his crucifixion)
it fits the religious theme, but SOAD is more of a political band then a religious one, so who knows what theyre trying to say............
@Bocciballs I think it is about Jesus, it's just not about Jesus in a positive way. The impression I'm getting is that modern Christians fucked up, regardless of whether or not Jesus was right.
@Bocciballs I think it is about Jesus, it's just not about Jesus in a positive way. The impression I'm getting is that modern Christians fucked up, regardless of whether or not Jesus was right.

This song is about Myths as Jesus Christ and the Religions.
"Why can't you see that you are my child, Why don't you know that you are my mind, Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you, Take this promise to the end of you."
This part says that Jusus is the son of God, and everything he says or do is part of God's will, and he has to tell it to everyone, and everyone has to follow JC 'till death and "afterlife".
"Walk with me my little child, To the forest of denial, Speak with me my only mind, Walk with me until the time, And make the forest turn to wine, You take the legend for a fall, You saw the product,"
This part says "Trust in Me even if major part of the people says I do not exist, and he will attend you only if you say what "He wants to listen" and "Do everything He wants you to do". But some people stop believing in God, or some gives a wrong meaning for the "legend" (Like "money churches"), or kill in the name of God, as some Muslim, and then, you saw what happened with the legend.
"Take this promise for a ride, You saw the forest, now come inside, You took the legend for its fall, You saw the product of it all, No televisions in the air, No circumcisions on the chair, You made the weapons for us all, Just look at us now,"
This part says that some people stop believing, or stop going to the church and apply their obligations with God, beeing part of the "forest of denial" (people who says "no" to God), and you begin to say that it is a lie, that god does not exist, and to conflict with people who believe, telling what happens when you are out of the "real world" and lives to God. After that, the "church" is a bit down, people are leaving it, stoping to believe. People says that God have to do good things, and the comandments says "Thou shall not kill", "thou shall not lie", so, why god gave inteligence to make guns and weapons? Now, look what people do for God, some kill, some lie about god for money, some do nothing.

This song is about the mental mask we put up before our real inner selves to appear a certain way both to the outside world and to ourselves.The real inner self (lets call it “mind” from now on) is talking to the mask (little child it created). It tries to show himself to the mask and make the mask realise that the mask is just a product of the real inner self.
“Walk with me my little child,” = The mind inviting the mask to listen to what he has to say “To the forest of denial,“ = The forest of denial are the barriers the mask created to prevent it from seeing it’s true origin from the mind, that’s why it's the forest of denial Speak with me my only mind, = Again, the mind inviting the mask to speak with it (And make the forest turn to wine,) = (changed the order to make it more understandable) to break down the barriers (trees in the forrest) preventing the mask from seeing the mind, when turned into wine it would be easy to see through the forest Walk with me until the time, = listen to what the mind has You take the legend for a fall, = until the legend (the light in wish the mask thinks of itself) falls You saw the product, = the legend falls because the mask sees that he is the product of the mind
Why can't you see that you are my child, = the mask doesn’t see he’s just a creation (child) of the mind Why don't you know that you are my mind, = similar message, other phrasing Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you, = the mask convinces everyone (including himself) that it’s the true identity and not just a mask Take this promise to the end of you. = keep telling everyone (and yourself) that you’re not a mask, until the end of you, meaning the end of the mask/the time the mask realises it’s a mask
Take this promise for a ride, You saw the forest, now come inside, = at this point the mask realised what it is, he saw the forest through the trees (now turned into wine/sand) You took the legend for its fall, = same... You saw the product of it all, = same ... No televisions in the air, = ? No circumcisions on the chair, = ? You made the weapons for us all, = ? Just look at us now,
@HugeZebra Somehow ended up here of all places and I couldn't resist. I'm going to run with you on this one. Possibilities considering your outline: No television in the air = no distractions No circumcisions on the chair = no pain You made the weapons for us all: You = mind Weapons = traits/characteristics (deceptiveness, denial, lust, Etc) Us all = masks (I believe we all possess the ability to transition into different representations (masks) of our own selves; unknowingly even) Ex: work environment vs social gatherings
@HugeZebra Somehow ended up here of all places and I couldn't resist. I'm going to run with you on this one. Possibilities considering your outline: No television in the air = no distractions No circumcisions on the chair = no pain You made the weapons for us all: You = mind Weapons = traits/characteristics (deceptiveness, denial, lust, Etc) Us all = masks (I believe we all possess the ability to transition into different representations (masks) of our own selves; unknowingly even) Ex: work environment vs social gatherings
I hope I didn't lose you on this one and I don't know but for some reason...
I hope I didn't lose you on this one and I don't know but for some reason your take on this caught my attention and had me intrigued at the possibilities. Beautifully metaphoric.

This whole song is a double entendre of God speaking to man through Jesus and, also to Jesus. It references Jesus time in the forest where he was tempted by Satan. "The forest" is symbolic for our time in this world. Jesus is symbolic for mankind.
In Christianity, Jesus is referred to as the son of God = God’s child (My child). Mankind is God's creation. Thus, we are all "children" of God. Which is why in this song God, is referencing mankind in the singular form, as his “child” (my child).
God speaking: Walk with me my little “child” = walk with me Jesus/mankind
To the “forest of denial” = this world, where we deny God and what we are (part of God’s mind)
Speak with me my only mind = talk to me Jesus, “My only mind”, “My only Son”, “My only child”, listen to this enlightenment I’m about to share with you
Walk with me until “the time” = the time of Christ’s death, also references the time after we and are no longer apart of “this world"
And make the forest turn to wine = when we leave this world and enter heaven, also refers to how Jesus death will turn the world into a better place. Also, “turn to wine” is just another clever example of all the ways he references Jesus
You take the legend for a fall = The legend is “Jesus Christ”, the fall is “Christ’s death”
You saw the product = Jesus saw what this existence truly was
Again, this song is God (in verse 2, Lucifer) talking to Jesus and all of mankind at the same time which brings us to the chorus:
Why can't you see that you are my child = God talking to all of mankind, “why don’t you realize you are of my being”
Why don't you know that you are my mind = God is questioning humanity, suggesting we are blind and can't see that our existence is coming from his mind
Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you = God speaking to man (as well as to Jesus) that we are all part of his mind and being, thus we are a form of God". Which is why Jesus refers to himself as the Son of God
Take this promise to the end of you = another double entendre of God speaking to man through Jesus 1.) to Jesus... “promise you’ll make this sacrifice Jesus until your (death on the cross)”, 2.) God asking humanity to acknowledge this truth until “the end” of our existence. Essentially, pleading with man to wake up and realize what we are.
The 2nd chorus I believe, is Lucifer’s walk with Jesus through the “forest” where Lucifer wanted Jesus to bow and acknowledge him as God, in exchange for everything in this world.
Walk with me “my little frrrriend” <<< this is Lucifer talking to Jesus. Referring to Jesus as a “friend” …not as a child
Take this promise to the end = The promise being that Jesus would acknowledge Lucifer as God
Speak with me my only mind = Lucifer trying to convince Jesus he is God
Walk with me until the end = rule by my side until the end, if you acknowledge me as God
And make the forest turn to sand = you will destroy this world (the forest) as it is now and rule as it's prince until the end (until the world turns to sand)
You take the legend for a fall = you become legend “the prince of this world”, for a fall, “falling for temptation”, "falling from Heaven"
You saw the product = Lucifer saying you saw all that I was willing to give you in exchange for you bowing to me.
Finally, the last verse is “God” talking to Jesus again, as well as the writer mocking religion.
Take this promise for a “ride” = the ride is this life
You saw the forest, now come inside = you experienced this world Jesus now come inside heaven
You took the legend for its fall = you sacrificed your life and became legend
You saw the product of it all = you witnessed what the purpose of this existence truly is
No televisions in the air = now in heaven there’s no televisions (lies) in the air
No circumcisions on the chair = no need for made up rules (mutilate your body for religion, circumcisions are a Judaic practice)
You made the weapons for us all = this is where the writer mocks Jesus, saying you gave birth to a religion that causes humanity to commit atrocities in the name of you (Jesus)
Just look at us now = just look us now Jesus…look at all the Holy Wars that have been waged in your name and your like. This is also a shot at all religions. Which is usually the theme in most of SOAD’s songs.

i think its about uncovering something about his childhood that was he was denying, and is now just coming to terms with it.. not sure though, it doesn't seem to explain the full song.
This is my favoite SOAD song. Ive listened hard and tough for years about this. I believe this song is about the Jewish people and Isrial in particular. This is not anti-semitic at all. Its god speaking to his sons spoken people as though they were one. Tell everyone that im you, Jesus is god. All that jazz man, just liten to it with the nation of Isrial and Jesus in mind. The weapons referance could be about how America was and still is a large supplier of weapons to Isrial. America also had a hand in the...
This is my favoite SOAD song. Ive listened hard and tough for years about this. I believe this song is about the Jewish people and Isrial in particular. This is not anti-semitic at all. Its god speaking to his sons spoken people as though they were one.
Tell everyone that im you, Jesus is god.
All that jazz man, just liten to it with the nation of Isrial and Jesus in mind.
The weapons referance could be about how America was and still is a large supplier of weapons to Isrial. America also had a hand in the formation of Isreal.
Perhaps the first verse of the song...turn the forest into wine..was more of a Jesus referance. Where as the later....turn the forest into about the formation of the nation of Isreal.
None of us can truly find the meaning of the song without hearing it from the horses mouth. But its fun to find your own meaning. Just listen to it.
No offense, but you need to brush up on your religion. Jesus isnt special to jews at all, to them he was just a carpenter.
No offense, but you need to brush up on your religion. Jesus isnt special to jews at all, to them he was just a carpenter.
Okay first of all. WTF Serj has obviously stated his opinion on religion and is a spiritual atheist sort of. He's probably a Deist but fucking hates this so called "god", as he stated "God wants war."
Okay first of all. WTF Serj has obviously stated his opinion on religion and is a spiritual atheist sort of. He's probably a Deist but fucking hates this so called "god", as he stated "God wants war."