21 Meanings
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Lullaby Lyrics

Hush my love now don't you cry
Everything will be all right
Close your eyes and drift in dream
Rest in peaceful sleep

If there's one thing I hope I showed you
Hope I showed you

Just give love to all
Oh my love...in my arms tight
Every day you give me life
As I drift off to your world
Will rest in peaceful sleep

I know there's one thing that you showed me
That you showed me

Just give love to all
Let's give love to all
21 Meanings
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beautiful song. Very tame melody that has religious effects and does teach main themes of the bible when it says "just give love to all"

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Nerd, What is your problem maybe she just likes Creed. Creed write lyrics that effect people with emotions so no you wouldn't find them good. They write songs that incorporate a loving and caring God into your life. but you wouldn't care about that.....(but just to let you know...the God i know and love will still love and care for you)

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nerd, looking at your profile, i find that your music is indeed pretty shallow... not to put it down, because i am a big fan of saves the day and thrice, but how can you find this music emotionless by listening to that music? You came here to piss people off... i can tell you its not gonna happen because looking at your profile has reasurred this..

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Rightfully called "Lullaby." I go to sleep while listening to it actually. And I mean that in a good way. I sleep to music - weird, I know. It's definitely a good song though! Thanks.


looks at the date and replies anyway

Not weird. I can't sleep without music sometimes; used to listen to lots and lots of trance and other such electronic and techno every single night because it kept me focused on something concrete and self-made, so my mind didn't have to work.

Otherwise, there are nights I can't sleep for hours on end (or at ALL) because my mind won't shut up with the soup of incoherent thoughts.

In fact, that's why I'm here right now. This and the previous track on the Weathered album, Don't Stop Dancing, were quite the necessity...

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zerat... im a he :( :)

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This parent can't stand to see their child upset and perhaps is overprotective. Anyone who has children knows that they give those around them a feeling of renewal, that life holds promise and love and all good things. "Everyday you give me life" It is their innocence that prevails. In a society of hate and fear and struggle isn't it good to know you can hug your child at the end of the day and know all is well in the world just as long as they (your children) are in it to make it a better place?

This is why to connive and use a child to your own ends is the most despicable thing one could do. Its just too bad there are cowardly people in this world.

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To speak ill of, in any way, a song that depicts a parent's love for their child is to speak ill of life itself. Nerd Im very sorry for the obviously painful life you have had to lead without enough love to fill your heart. This world needs more songs like this to give poor misguided people like yourself a chance to feel something. It is unfortunate that you are so sheilded against feeling and emotion because you were never shown love that you have to attempt to express yourself by trying to put down others because you do not know any better. Unfortunately the world must have people like you to show the rest of us just how lucky we are. This is an amazing song with lyrics that can be incredibly powerful if understood.

Who're you talking to? =/

Oh yeah, that nerd guy down there. That was a couple years ago. D|

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Scott actually wrote this song for his son, not for Jesus.

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that's my general impression too, lemonie fresh...look at the first line.. plus, creed isn't christian rock, they just have some songs about God..so people mistake the lyrics of all their songs to be about God.

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ya..he wrote this song for Jagger

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