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Tuesday Lyrics

the sun falls on my eyes and i'm struggling to find a reason why everybody smiles. Am I the only one who feels this way at all, or is someone to proud to let it go. I'm swallowing my feet and choking on everything I fear/on all these words, I spoke too much I spoke too much. Please try, couldn't you change to help yourself grow up. That's why all these words mean nothing to you at all. Please try, wouldn't you change to keep yourself alive, to fly. Words like these won't help me now. Save yourself, and i'm sorry if I told you how I felt and you couldn't take it. If you change or stay the same, i'm sorry if I told you how I felt and you couldn't take it. But then I see her standing there and she's smiling I know that for a little while i'll be fine.
4 Meanings
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this song means a lot to me. it reminds me of a real close person i know.. a close family member.. this particular person doesnt have much..a drug addict.. no job, no education, depends on other people for things. "Please try, couldn't you change to help yourself grow up. That's why all these words mean nothing to you at all. Please try, wouldn't you change to keep yourself alive, to fly. Words like these won't help me now." Those lines remind me of that person. I really love this song.

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great song! it means a lot to me.." i'm sorry if I told you how I felt and you couldn't take it. But then I see her standing there and she's smiling I know that for a little while i'll be fine." best part of the song.

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my band (all is lost) has a song that has that same musical feel to it toward the end. But we say "you've been waiting longer than I could ever know for me to call you and tell you I'm sorry and if you want me you can have me.....I'm all yours". I feel lame posting that but if I had to compare our musical style to any band it would be penfold (or mineral I suppose). yikes....

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i think this song is about some kind of intervention. as if he is trying to tell someone he really cares about to get control of their life. "Save yourself, and i'm sorry if I told you how I felt and you couldn't take it. If you change or stay the same, i'm sorry if I told you how I felt and you couldn't take it."

He is saying how it tears him apart to see someone he loves so much to fall apart, but through everything he still sees the beauty in her. "But then I see her standing there and she's smiling I know that for a little while i'll be fine."

penfold captures emotions that very few could ever put into worlds. simply breathtaking.

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