Star Lyrics
Outside the view is so much more
Better late than dead
Stepping through
Moving past collectively

I get the impression the song is about looking past religion and realizing there is much more out there. I don't really understand the third verse. I like this song becuase it's different from every single Project 86 song that's out there so far. Can't wait to here the new album when it comes out.

A somewhat confusing song, as we have almost no lyrics to work with, but here goes: "Outside looking down on me Outside the view is so much more" How we simply cannot understand God's plan for our lives? "I am more than a noise to be Stepping through, moving past Collectively" About the infinite worth of an individual? "Better late than dead" Better to come to God late in life than not at all?
In conclusion, I think it is about someone who spent their entire life in disbelief because of all of the suffering in the world (see Sad Machines), and as they were dying saw the truth: God's plan is more than we could ever imagine. And so, they came to Christ; better late then eternally dead.

This is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard and nobody's posted a comment?

I think it's about peoples perception of Andrew. Outside people see this awesome writer and performer, but he feels that he is so much less than that

i ask andrew at a show once what it ment and her acted like he didnt know and told me to ask randy cuz it was "his song" well then i ask randy what it was abotu and he said he didnt really know that andrew just wroet it for him ... fe wyear slater andrew wrote his book ist all down hill from here and in the book he quotes "better late then dead" while talking about how radny was always late and the band was always late for shows... that what i come up with
@sxedantheman Randy sings it, but it actually appears to be a cover song
@sxedantheman Randy sings it, but it actually appears to be a cover song

I think that the third verse means (if this is referring to Christianity) that he knows he's more than just part of the noise and wants to be more than just "another Christian," and when he steps through and moves past collectively, he's moving past the collective... Or the group of those luke-warm Christians. He knows that God can use him for more. I dunno. Wild guesses.

maybe its about how god is always watching

I'm glad other people see something in this song. It is one of my favorite songs and unique in that I like it mostly for the emotion conveyed and not so much for the lyrics specifically.
btw I always thought he was saying "stepping through a moving past" as if a person was living life with the attitude that it is all going to be the past.

this song is pretty cool. really unique... even for Project 86... the vocals don't sound like Andrew though... I don't know if it's him or not.

As a side note, Randy has just a wonderful singing voice. This song makes me tear up a little every time.