9 Meanings
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Me Against Me Lyrics

I will not forget the day when the sides were chosen
Me against me against… me
Clothing so drenched with sweat and the teeth they were clenched
Who can I trust when I…

Grabbed hold my enemy’s neck and choked ‘till he ceased
Blistered with disbelief I awake dead
And when I awoke I couldn’t believe it was me
All the time it was me

So many times we smile in pride
Putting such faith in what we’ve accomplished
But minutes ago we were
Slitting our wrists, running for sympathy
9 Meanings
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Of the three comments on this fantastic song on possibly the best cd ever made i think only "demented" really got close (kinda ironic aint it?). i personnally think this song is about his quest to kill out everything ungodly inside himself, and only when he had done that did he realize that he had truly killed himself. In other words, in order to walk in the light of God, you have to die to yourself. To everything you are and everything you ever were. Only when you truly empty yourself into Gods hands, can He change you to become who He originally created you to be. Follow? Cant wait for September 24!!!

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this is about the fact that he is in battle with his sin nature just as we all are. the fact that he talks about simling and putting on a front when at the same time you are really slitting your wrists and trying to kill yourself really hits home with me cause ive gone through that inn my own life

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metal, demented, and ice seem to understand. I also think it means that in everything you do the only person who can hold you back is your own self. It is a battle within your mind everyday. Your mind is where the devil works and decieves. That is where you are successful or defeated. So in the end it goes along with my 2 fave quotes: "A lie unchallenge becomes the truth." and "I have met the enemy and it is me."

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Awesome intro. This song describes the battle of a person and God and Satan and how it affects them.

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i think he's talking about a battle against himself although he is caught up in a battle between God and Satan but i think that just in this song he's talking about battling himself or maybe his past self (b4 he was saved)

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I'm pretty sure this song is about struggling to find himself.

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this song is about a battle that he had, and at the end, he realized that he was fighting himself, hence, me against me

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I think Maffro has the right idea. God or "satan" isn't really tied into this. There is no reference to them at all

New CD "Thruthless Heros" comes out 9/24/02. can't wait for that and Disturbeds new album.

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To me it seems to be talking about how your main struggle in life comes when Satan pits you versus your sin nature, but in killing that you end up killing yourself, being made new.

My Interpretation
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