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I.O.U. One Galaxy Lyrics

stars are out tonight
and you're the brightest one shining in my sky.
it's like every wish I ever made came true.
the day I woke up lying next to you.

will you be my best friend
if I offer you my heart?
'cause it's already yours.
we could hang out every night
and watch the sun go down.
as long as we could watch it rise again.

gave me a valentine.
it's these little things that stand the test of time.
I've saved the tickets from the shows that we've been to.
and a thousand other memories of you.

gave you this i.o.u. today.
it said good for one galaxy.
once I build my rocket to the stars.
we'll fly away just you and me.
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111 Meanings

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Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

this song is definitly about a guy falling in love with his best friend (a girl) this is such a great song!

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

i can kinda relate to this song since i'm in love with one of my guy friends

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

This is definitly one of my favorite Ataris songs of all time!

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

dis song is about a guy who falls in love wit a gurl and dey were already best friends so dere's nothing realle left to knoe, and dey live happily ever after.....not dats a buncha bs.....dis is one of tha best ataris songs ever

late - e

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

this band really SUCKS how could ne one like them n punke learn how to speak english

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

Skateo, The Ataris rock... I was just listenin to IOU this morning, actually. Its damn good band.

but yeah.. english would help aye...

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

Oh God, I love this song. It makes me wish that someone would fall in love with me like this. The Ataris rock .. not only can they play some awesome music, but their lyrics are some of the best. Skateo, what do you listen to? Probably some music with lyrics that have absolutely no meaning .. like Slipknot or some CRAP like that. THE*ATARIS FOREVER!

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

if someone sang this to me...

they'd have my heart.

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

mine too!! i originally dled it cause of the cute title, and i really loved it!! i like the beginning, and the last stanza, cause they're the ones that get stuck in my head when im with my bf :)

Cover art for I.O.U. One Galaxy lyrics by Ataris, The

"will you be my best friend if i offer you my heart? because it's already yours"

i just love it