Stay Lyrics
I know this is a shallow explaination for the song, but it is simply about wanting to be with someone, to share love with someone, most likely someone they love. It kind of reminds me of the poem, "To His Coy Mistress", because he will have to say goodbye to his lover eventually, he will never have enough time to love her. In this case he is just enjoying the presence of the one lying beside him in bed, sort of escaping the reality of finality. The end of the song is about having to start a new life, probably without the joy of the other person beside them. Another interpretation could be a sort of self-realization kind of thing. It could be the speaker of the song is turning into a new person; the former self is ending the day and the new person wakes up with "morning eyes", a metaphor for a different perspective maybe? "What lies behind those eyes" line is a quest for introspection, soul searching (I hate that phrase), if you will. This new person doesn't want to remember the former self's name other wise, he wouldn't be able to say goodbye to the part of himself he is trying to cast away. The interpretation could go either way, but I like the song as a sensual poem. It's one of the sexiest songs I have ever heard and the line "' cause I want to find what lies behind those eyes" kills me.
Wow. No comments!? I think its beautiful:D
Well, far be it from me to tell you how to imagine what the song means, arstda, but i'm afraid I am going to have to disagree with you in that. Many of the Pink Floyd songs people think refer to drugs, don't.
Pink Floyd have said on numerous occassions that they weren;'t into doing drugs or writing songs about such (Syd Barrett was the only one to go that route, and he wasn't around for this album).
"Stay" is a simple piece with not much depth, at least not as far as having mysterious lyrics. It says what it wants to say outright.
I believe its about a one night stand, if you will, but in a romantic sense, not just that wham bam thank you ma'am type style. The singer maybe just wants to share one night with a person and not worry about the world or its problems.
Great piece...
I read in an interview that the song is about waking up one morning and forgetting the girl that he just slept with's name.
Remind anybody of David Gilmour's "On And Island"?
Gorgeous song by the way!
Yeah it does Themactator, that's weird!
I'm not sure it's about a one night stand; it sounds like he wanted to get to know her better. I'm also left with the impression that she's still sleeping and he's afraid to wake her because he's not sure if she'll leave. Pretty straight forward if you look at it objectively (coughcough arstdacough).
Magical Love Song!