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Leave This Town Lyrics

So sick of this place
Same thing everyday
Something is in my way
But I was born and raised in this dead end town
Where everyone is here to stay

Don’t want things to be
The same for me
Got to get out right now
And start to live my life
How it’s meant to be
Pick myself up off the ground

So let’s jump in my car and get out of this city
Crank the music loud and say goodbye
we’ve got places to see
Why won’t you come with me?

I want to run away but nobody will leave with me
I want to leave this town
One day it will drive me crazy

Got to break this mold
22 years old and still haven’t done a thing
But I’ve got all these dreams and all these goals
Want to make them reality

So let’s jump in my car and get out of this city
Crank the music loud and say goodbye
we’ve got places to see
Why won’t you come with me?

I want to run away but nobody will leave with me
I want to leave this town
One day it will drive me crazy
5 Meanings
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This is the song that got me hooked on Brodie.

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I want to make sure of something...is it Brodie or BrodiePunk?

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brodie. brodiepunk is just their site [brodiepunk.com]

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dude. this is my anthem!! these last few weeks before i graduate and i am stuck at home until i go off to college... i can't wait to leave. and every minute i stay, i feel like i am slowly rotting away. what a great song to go along with my mood.

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This is an awsome song which i can totally relate too! I need to get out of here!!!!!!!! lol But ne wayz Brodie is an amazing band! they rock!

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