27 Meanings
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Pisschrist Lyrics

Where are we now?
When we are blind
Abandoned faith
You left behind

Were you betrayed?
Or did you lie?
Our common fate
Our common demise

Where is the son?
To light the way
Along the path
Of our dismay

Look to the sky
On judgement day
A human God
That was man-made

So we lie
So we lie
So we lie
So we lie

And so we rise
Just to fall down
In reality
You're never found

I'm reaching out
With sealed eyes
I grab for light
Visions decried

So we lie
So we lie
So we lie
So we lie

So we lie
So we lie
So we lie
So we lie

Face down, arms out
Nailed to the cross of doubt
Blood runs like rain
Drowning for this world in vain

Crown of black thorns
Human skin, ripped and torn
Crown of black thorns
Human skin, ripped and torn

Where is your savior now?
Where is your savior now?
Where is your savior now?
Where is your savior now?
Song Info
Submitted by
implode On May 04, 2001
27 Meanings
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This song is about religious hypocrisy, especially prevalent in the United States. The message is basically, "how can you call yourself a Christian while waging 'preemptive' wars, raping alter boys, or ignoring the fact that America was built from the genocide and theft of native americans and their land". What is SOOO christian about YOUR ways or arent YOUR ways to be considered when you wave your GOD in my face. Why arent YOU a sinner.

For a less complex, and more accurate explanation: Fear Factory named this PISSCHRIST in honor of the criticism by "Christians" and other religious zealouts of the art portrayed with a Crucifix in a Jar of Piss that was on display at a museum somewhere in New York City. I forget the name of the artist, or the museum but that is the story, at least, behind the TITLE of the song.

Ultimately, it's for those people who'll sacrifice anything for their "saviour" - including sacrificing others who "they" believe are immoral, or out of compliance with their BABBLE.

This is one of the best.

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in summary the song is stating that there are millions of people in the world who blindly follow religions when the fact remains that we all do not know anything about where we came from, why we are here, and to be honest we probably never will. it's out of our control, we do not dictate our purpose here in life... therefore we all lie about there being a god and a heaven... yet when we blasphemy, and commit all the sins he supposedly stated will judge us all into hell... nothing does ever happen, we just live on and when our time comes we hit the ground and thats it.

any religious followers want to comment on that by calling me an athiest pig, flame at me and call me an ignorant idiot... you are the ones who are plain ignorant in believing a book thats a thousand years old, and well... i guess you can all burn in hell, if there was one. :)

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there are two things people will never agree on: music and religion. no wars have ever been started over music

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sorry bout the doube post but I just gotta ask one thing? ...why is it....that poepel look up lyrics of bands they obviously dont like.....and talk shit? I dont get it. Get a life JudasPriest..........God you listen to Judas Priest! HAHAHA Thats hilarious

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To Blackened89 and JudasPriest. Study history and see that it's not beyond the ordinary to shun religion. You have a lot of nerve turning this song into something against YOU personally. For what it's worth, religion has been a zit on the worlds proverbial ass for the last 2000 years. Just ask your crucified savior who was, oh such a rare occurrence, ABANDONED by his father. Then, look at things like inquisitions and the many bloodbaths that have been plaguing mankind because of religion. Then, GET OFF YOUR FUCKING THRONE! You are not pure or spared from criticism. If you are sick of hearing about your precious dogma being the subject of criticism, then why not explain away the brutality, the hypocrisy. You, as a religious FUCK, earned it. This is a kick ass song and I see it kicked both of your asses.

What would you like explained. I'm glad to take a shot and introduce you to the One who created you. He loves you dearly.

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I don't think this song is sacraligist. So we lie..to ourselves. A human God that was man made. Is Christ God's son simply because we think he was and does it even really matter, when we all are a reflection of god. Where is your savior now? Why do we always think we need someone else to save us when we ultimatley have to save ourselves.

This is not just for you but for everyone else in this forum, i think you totally misundertood this song.

Let's get in context, remember this is a song about a hero (human or maybe cyborg) who is making a revolt against the Machine who have taken control over the world, something very similar to Terminator's story, in the preceding song H-K (Hunter-Killer) the Machine has started a manhunt aginst our hero, in the following song he is in agony, but, what happened in between? well there goes what i think, the Machine agents hunts him, and shot him down,...

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I dont think they are blaming God or people who are religious. I think they are just saying humans are so helpless and we are always looking for answers in things that are not physically available to us. We need to start doing something about the world rather than just praying and saying "God will fix everything"

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I dont think they are blaming God or people who are religious. I think they are just saying humans are so helpless and we are always looking for answers in things that are not physically available to us. We need to start doing something about the world rather than just praying and saying "God will fix everything"

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well, if you lived a life where you were considered nothing but a serial number, wouldn't you question the existence of god and his savior son? Just a note: a very famous piece of art was done called Pisschrist, it was a cross, set upside down in a jar of human urine. Incredibly contraversial, but apparently was shown at a very elite institution.

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Oh, I found who the artist is...and the actual name of the piece:

Andres Serrano - "Piss Christ"

And, HEY! whaddya know, I even got a link about the actual piece, complete with a little background information: home.vicnet.net.au/~twt/serrano.html

Link broken? Google the artists name and piece name, the net is flooded with info about the controversial pic.

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