89 Meanings
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Nice Guys Finish Last Lyrics

Nice guys finish last
You're running out of gas
Your sympathy will get you left behind

Sometimes you're at your best
When you look the worst
Do you feel washed up

Like piss going down the drain
Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane
I'm so fucking happy I could cry
Every joke can have it's truth and now the joke's on you
I never knew you were such a funny guy

Oh nice guys finish last
When you are the outcast
Don't pat yourself on the back
You might break your spine

Living on command
You're shaking lots of hands
You're kissing up and bleeding all your trust

Taking what you need
Bite the hand that feeds
You lose your memory and you got no shame

Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane
I'm so fucking happy I could cry
Every joke can have it's truth and now the joke's on you
I never knew you were such a funny guy

Oh nice guys finish last
When you are the outcast
Don't pat yourself on the back
You might break your spine

Oh nice guys finish last
When you are the outcast
Don't pat yourself on the back
You might break your spine

Oh nice guys finish last
When you are the outcast
Don't pat yourself on the back
You might break your spine

Oh nice guys finish last
When you are the outcast
Don't pat yourself on the back
You might break your spine
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89 Meanings

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Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

I guess it's normal to think this song is referring to nice guys going after girls. That was my reaction when I listened to this song back in the day. Listening to it now, though, I think it's just making fun of the concept of being the "nice guy" in general.

I feel like the "finish last" part is referencing how so many "heroes" end up getting fucked over in reality. A lot of the other lines in the song seem like obvious references to the traditional definition of good guys and bad guys in comic books, and I think the rest of it is just making fun of how "good guys" work. They side step shame they've got with convenient amnesia, they make promises they can't keep, their highs are great, but their low points are terrible and dramatic, they brown nose a lot, and they can think incredibly highly of themselves on the inside.

Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

While the beginning does seem to indicate that yeah, being the "nice guy" can suck, much of the song also seems to be a condemnation of the "nice guys" who have something of a superiority complex BECAUSE they view themselves as nice.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

lets just be friends...

Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

I think this song is only true until the college/university years. That is because teenage girls generally (note: some, not all!) aren't very smart about which guys they choose. They tend to go for punk or good looking, and/or popular guys more than anything. I think this is just because they are young, like most of the guys, who probably won't be such assholes later on anyways.

I guess the point is... this song isn't about that. It's about sticking up for yourself. Don't use being nice as an excuse for being a wussy. It's not. You can be a nice guy and still have a goddamn backbone.

The guy who's gf left him after 4 months that he did everything for her... maybe it's because you were doing whatever she wanted. You were essentially her lapdog, buddy. I'm not saying be mean, or an ass, but don't just do whatever the girl you like wants... that's no good for either of you.

I'll break it down for you...

Guy being nice, but a wussy with no spine: Bad Guy being a jerk, treating people badly: Bad Guy being nice, but with some backbone and willing to stick up for himself: Good

If you don't stick up for yourself, you will finish last. If you're the type of person who always waves other people ahead in line-ups and always lets others go first, etc., you will finish last. Not neccesarily a bad thing... many would rather finish last and be ultimately "nice" than stick up for their place... but don't whine about finishing last if this is the case.

I think that's what this song is saying, anyways; Stick up for yourself once in a while, because if you're always "nice" people will just step all over you.

Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

great song. the bell thingy in the background in teh bit where it goes "Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane" is (almost) the same rhythm as in the "it's not over untill your underground..." bit of letterbomb on the american idiot album...

Also, just to clear things up, this song isn't just about relationships. It's about the fact that PEOPLE (not just guys) 'too nice' usually help others advance through life, even if it means they get slowed down... (did that make sence?)

oh well

great song

Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

i like nice guys ......

Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

Those of you making who are comments about how girls suck because they won't date you need to shut the fuck up. You're not a nice guy, and I really don't think you should consider this song your anthem in any way because it is, in fact, making fun of you. I agree with scorpyx when he/she says that this song seems to be condemning the "nice guy" stereotype that a lot of you are emulating. Ever heard of Nice Guy Syndrome? It's not a good thing.

*Those of you who are making

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Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

I'm almost certain that this song is about "nice guys" and not nice guys. And also the fact that they tend to have little to no self worth. Check this out.

The first verse is, in my opinion, a monologue of the "nice guy". It's self pity by his side. Along side this

"sometimes you're at your best When you feel the worst" - In this case the "nice guy" is feeling a sort of joy from being degraded. This is evident by the next verse.

"Pressure cooker pick my brain and tell me I'm insane I'm so fucking happy I could cry" - Pressure cooker pick my brain, in my opinion, is anything from making fun of someone to bullying someone. The next line: "I'm so fucking happy i could cry" - Literally means he's tearing up and about to break down, people are hurting him and he's taking it.

Next part:

"Every joke can have its truth but now the joke's on you I never knew you're such a funny guy" - This is told by someone other than the nice guy. As in, they enjoy him making fun of himself, "I never knew you're such a funny guy" is feeding into this problem.

The altered chorus:

"Oh nice guys finish last When you are the outcast Don't pat yourself on the back You might break your spine" - Is sarcastic in nature. Pretty much saying "don't even think about being proud about yourself or even having a bit of self worth"

And finally the last verse:

"Living on command You're shaking lots of hands You're kissing up and bleeding all your trust Taking what you need Bite the hand that feeds You lose your memory and you've got no shame" - This verse flips the whole song on it's head. Now the "nice guy" pretty much lost it. He lost all trust from other people(You're kissing up and bleeding all your trust) and now he's selfish and closed-off(Taking what you need, bite...) . Even though there are now people that are returning the favor "...the hand that feeds". He forgot his roots and doesn't regret it (You lose your memory and you got no shame)

My Interpretation
Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

its mental

Cover art for Nice Guys Finish Last lyrics by Green Day

nice guys finish last, so very true, girls suck!