79 Meanings
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My Own Prison Lyrics

a court is in session, a verdict is in
no appeal on the docket today
just my own sin
the walls are cold and pale
the cage made of steel
screams fill the room
alone i drop and kneel
silence now the sound
my breath the only motion around
demons cluttering around
my face showing no emotion
shackled by my sentence
expecting no return
here there is no penance
my skin begins to burn
so i held my head up high
hiding hate that burns inside
which only fuels their selfish pride
we're all held captive
out from the sun
a sun that shines on only some
we the meek are all in one
i hear a thunder in the distance
see a vision of a cross
i feel the pain that was given
on that sad day of loss
a lion roars in the darkness only he holds the key
a light to free me from my burden and grant me life eternally
shouldve been dead
on a sunday morning
banging my head
no time for mourning
aint got no time
so i held my head up high
hiding hate that burns inside
which only fuels their selfish pride
we're all held captive
out from the sun
a sun that shines only some
we the meek are all on in one
i cry out to god seeking only his decision
gabriel stands and confirms
ive created my own prison
79 Meanings
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Anyone who thinks this song has nothing to do with religion and only his 'shroom OD, doesn't understand the lyrics, or the Holy Bible as it uses symbolisim over and over, let me break it down for you.

A court is in session today, a verdict is in, no appeal on the docket today, just my own sin. Judgment day - On Judgment Day you cannot atone for you sins, it's over, it's done. You can't say I'll do etter, the day of judgment is upon you and you're done.

The walls cold and pale, the cage made of steel, screams fill the room, alone I drop and kneel. When you realize your sins, you repent. Many times you do this alone, your feelings overwhelm you and you may feel trapped, you cry and shout to the Lord and on your knees you cry, asking for forgiveness.

Silence now the sound, my breath the only motion around, demons cluttering around, my face showing no emotion. He's done crying, shouting, asking for remission of his sins, and his demons still haunt him, all he can do is sit still showing no emotion.

Shackeled by my sentence, expecting no return, here there is no penance, my skin begins to burn. A euphemism of Hell, not that hard to figure out.

So I hold my head up high, hiding hate that burns inside, which only fuels selfish pride, we're all held captive out from the sun, a sun that shines on only some, we the meek are all in one. Speaking of Jesus, who is the Light of the World, who only some accept. Only some receive the light, have you not heard the meek shall inherit the earth? They are all in one, because they are all one body of Christ.

I hear a thunder in the distance, see a vision of the cross, I feel the pain that was given, on that sad day of loss. The crucifixion, plain and simple. The day Christ died, the skies were darkened with clouds and thunder was all about them. The pain the LORD Jesus felt when He died is unimaginable, as doctors say crucifixion is the worst form of torture and death the world has ever known. This was a sad day of loss.

A lion roars in the distace, only he holds the key, a light to free me from my burden and gratn me life eternally - Jesus has been prtorayed as the Lion and the Lamb. Here he is talking about how the lion (the LORD Jesus) is the only one that can give him eternal life, forgive him for all his sins (free him from his burden) and give him life eternal.

On a Sunday morning banging my head, not time for mourning, ain't got no time. Of course this probably refers to the fact he OD'd, but he didn't die, he should have been dead but wasn't God didn't let this happen, God let him live so, there is no time now for mourning, get over it, and move on.

I cry out to God seeking only His decison, Gabrile stands and confirms, I've created my own prison. He calls to God, seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven, as Jesus asks, looking only for God's will (seeking his decision) and not that of his own will. Gabriel is used a lot as a messenger of God, and was sent to let him know he did create his own hell. Not to say you can't get out of that personal hell here on earth.

My Interpretation

Keep in mind that according to human understanding Jesus also "Should have been dead on a Sunday morning"

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This song rocks. To the person wondering what it's all about... it's about a person trapped by their own mistakes (Created my own prison), their repentance ("alone i drop and kneel"), and realization that only Christ's sacrifice can help them escape. He's in prison, about to stand trial before God himself: "a court is in session, a verdict is in no appeal on the docket today just my own sin"

He then sees Christ's sacrifice... "i hear a thunder in the distance see a vision of a cross" i feel the pain that was given on that sad day of loss "i hear a thunder in the distance see a vision of a cross i feel the pain that was given on that sad day of loss "

Only Christ holds the key to his prison and death: "a lion roars in the darkness only he holds the key"

The lion is Christ. Christ defeated death and only he possesses the key.

"i cry out to god seeking only his decision"

Crying out to God; seeking forgiveness and release.

"gabriel stands and confirms ive created my own prison"

Gabriel is one of the highest angels, often a messenger of God. He confirms what the speaker most feared... that he has created an inescapable prison. The song ends before the speaker finds his release... perhaps he is still searching.

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4 posts? This is a creed classic. This song i think was a breakthrough for the band. it helped them realize that they have been blaming their problems on other people and that it should stop. Scott Stapp was having some trouble as a teen and he was getting into drugs and other stuff. One night, he got so hooked on a drug that he passed out. he wrote this song the next morning at like 3am. The line "Should have been dead on a sunday morning banging my head" supports this. This is my favorite creed song, and this song will live on. This is also pobably the most spiritual creed song. My name prooves how much i like this song...

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This song is about a man suffering in the afterlife for his actions in this life. He only realizes Christ is the way, truth, and the light when it is too late. If you haven't accepted Christ, my brothers, you should. It will change your life.

That's exactly what I got.

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Doesn't matter what state of mind he wrote the song in, the song clearly has too many spiritual undertones to ignore. It is about man suffering through the pain of the worldly existence and putting himself open to judgement all the time - be it by others or by himself. The reference to a court where verdicts are passed without appeal clearly talk of such judgemental patterns which subdue a person and put him through suffering.

"so i held my head up high. hiding hate that burns inside that only fuels their selfish pride" talks about how one has to swallow the pain just so the ones who brought this upon him do not feel vindicated.

In the second verse he talks about hope to emerge from all of this - vision of a cross, thunder in the distance, lion roar in the darkness - they are all metaphors of hope in dark times. Eventually, in the last verse, he submits himself to "god seeking only his decision" and admits that he has created this prison for himself and cannot blame others for it.

It is a truly wonderful song.

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A court is in session, a verdict is in No appeal on the docket today Just my own sin

Here he is just telling us that this song is about his sin, not to be confused with an actual court appeal

The walls are cold and pale The cage made of steel Screams fill the room Alone I drop and kneel Silence now the sound My breath the only motion around Demons cluttering around My face showing no emotion Shackled by my sentence Expecting no return Here there is no penance My skin begins to burn

My Own Prison is captured here, his emotional state for the sin he has commited. He feels trapped, isolated, damned, guilt is eating him alive.

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high Hiding hate that burns inside Which only fuels their selfish pride (And I said oh) We're held captive Out from the sun A sun that shines on only some We the meek are all in one

He's trying to think positive here, but hides his true feelings he has inside from people he knows that would love to see him in a negative state. The captive out from the sun part.....He's saying that we do bad things in life, and some just don't.

I hear a thunder in the distance See a vision of a cross I feel the pain that was given On that sad day of loss A lion roars in the darkness Only he holds the key A light to free me from my burden And grant me life eternally

Here he is telling us that he found his religion again and it's the answer for him

Should have been dead On a Sunday morning Banging my head No time for mourning Ain't got no time

He did something here that he really regretted doing, and then after he feels that he is not going to dwell on his mistakes and move on with his life.

I cry out to God Seeking only his decision Gabriel stands and confirms I've created my own prison I cry out to God Seeking only his decision Gabriel stands and confirms I've created my own prison

He is looking for direction here, and turns to his religious beliefs

Song Meaning

Explained well!

@Sero9999 Yeah, I don't believe it is about judgment day either like everyone here say it is. It isn't;. It's a song that is a play on words. He identifies his inner hell with being locked away inside of his mind, his personal prison.

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Creed never sold out, just Scott Crapp.

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very Christian song in my opinion.

this song makes me thankful for Jesus Christ and inspires me to try and live my life the way he would want me to.

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the "should have been dead on a Sunday morning" definitely holds half of the songs meaning in my opinion.

but what is the meaning it holds?

Yup. Brilliant lyrics in that there is (at least) a dual meaning... At first glance the words indicate a very human feeling of guilt after an extremely wild Saturday night (a suggestion of potential overdoes perhaps) but a deeper look indicates that it is a reference to Jesus himself who (by human standards) "Should have been dead on a Sunday morning" after his crucifixion but instead left an empty tomb for humanity to ponder.

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A very deep embodied meaning is seen through these lyrics. One that outlines the malicious hate & discontent formed in our society. Using the parable of an innocent man cast into the depths of hell - against his will - he cries out for help in desperation for what he lost, for God to save him. Ultimately finding that his persecution is seen as his own doing because his faith, in himself and inability to denounce his heart - his meaning; keeps him there. This progression clearly seen in the first verse,

"A court is in session, a verdict is in No appeal on the docket today Just my own sin"

Unannounced to him, there's hate in the wind. Others decided a fate, destroying his life for no reason other than seemingly out of the coldness of theirs. He sarcastically states there's nothing left but " my own sin" signifying that he's human, as if to describe "why". But the sin of any average person would not amount to such a horrible condemnation, or so you'd think. Yet it becomes a firm description of humanity, both alone & dark, hateful & sparked. Insinuating that those who committed this act are in the process of creating their own prison at the same time.

"The walls are cold and pale The cage made of steel Screams fill the room Alone I drop and kneel"

The narrative continues by describing the prison in which he's found. A description of the psychological and spiritual battle that ensues following a loss so great.

"Silence now the sound My breath the only motion around Demons cluttering around My face showing no emotion"

Silence is all that's left, his light, his purpose taken away. He is still & quiet, questioning existence, hearing only his breathe and the sounds of demons walking among him - yet no fear of the torture, just disbelief. He continues by describing himself as shackled by this loss, losing sight of what matters, losing hope, losing faith. Out comes to a point that so much time has passed, his skin begins to burn as he gives up on life and into the demons around him.

"Shackled by my sentence Expecting no return Here there is no penance My skin begins to burn"

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high Hiding hate that burns inside Which only fuels their selfish pride (And I said oh) All held captive Out from the sun A sun that shines on only some We the meek are all in one

So what does he do? While he may not accept where he is, he does hold on to the meaning inside him. Refusing to give in - He holds his head up high, hiding the hate & resentment that burns inside - which only fuels their selfish pride. Describing himself as weak, crying out to all who are held captive like him.

I hear a thunder in the distance See a vision of a cross I feel the pain that was given On that sad day of loss A lion roars in the darkness Only he holds the key A light to free me from my burden And grant me life eternally

God has sent a message, thunder in the distance, visions of the cross; understanding the pain that was given to carry our burdens & loss - hearing the lion - Aslan - God - roaring in the distance, holding the key and shining the light to set him free. It is here that it becomes clear, this prison isn't of his own doing, but of others - where the continuation of it is being used as a tool to teach, to understand, to strengthen - the faith that has been lost.

Should have been dead On a Sunday morning Banging my head No time for mourning Ain't got no time

Should have been dead On a Sunday morning Banging my head No time for mourning Ain't got no time

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high Hiding hate that burns inside Which only fuels their selfish pride (And I said oh) All held captive Out from the sun A sun that shines on only some We the meek are all in one

Yet he doesn't get it. So he continues his cry to god for freedom - being told that he's "created his own prison" - which is simply a statement of his lack of faith. Have faith. Have faith is Gabriel's true statement here.

I cry out to God Seeking only his decision Gabriel stands and confirms I've created my own prison I cry out to God Seeking only his decision Gabriel stands and confirms I've created my own prison

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high Hiding hate that burns inside Which only fuels their selfish pride (And I said oh) All held captive Out from the sun A sun that shines on only some We the meek are all in one

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high Hiding hate that burns inside Which only fuels their selfish pride (And I said oh) We're held captive (I created) Out from the sun (I created) A sun that shines on only some (I created) We the meek are all in one (I created my own prison)

Should've been dead on a Sunday morning Banging my head No time for mourning Ain't got no time

The repetitive chorus makes a statement - that no matter what - the only way is forward. Never give up on true meaning that sits within you. Never denounce your love, never turn your back. When hate comes knocking, when demons come walking - hold your head up high and keep on walking. Have faith & Never Give up. Cause, well, you should've been dead - but you aren't.

Song Meaning

@Robert_Vanleeuwen yoooo. You nailed that one and I needed to hear this today. Things have gotten so dark that I'm looking at creed lyrics for spiritual guidance haha Great post, thank you from Pittsburgh!

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