5 Minutes Alone Lyrics
Before I woke to face the day, your master plan transpired.
Something told me, this job had more to meet the eye.
My song is not believed?
My words somewhat deceiving?
Now I'm unwhole.
But you can't crush the kingdom
Can't leave the scar.
You cry for compensation.
I ask you please just give us
You took me for
A fool.
You used complexion of my skin for a counter
Rascist tool.
You can't burn me, I've spilled my guts out
In the past.
Taken advantage of because you know where
You've waged a war of nerves
But you can't crush the kingdom
Can't leave the scar.
I'll bury your compensation.
I ask you please just give us

It actually states on Wikipedia that this song was particularly about Anselmo being provoked by a heckler and told the crowd to basically beat the shit out of him (the heckler) as well as a couple more insults following that, later the band being sued, and the heckler's father calling the band manager and threatening "you just give me FIVE MINUTES ALONE with that Phil Anselmo guy and I'll show him who's 'big daddy' around here", later continuing with Phil's response "you just give me FIVE MINUTES ALONE with that cat's dad and I'll whoop his ass."

its not about vinnie, its about an incident when an angry concert goer was talking smack to phil from the pit and when the fans realized there was a heckler in their midst he was beat severely, afterwards the heckler's father was recorded on camera talking about how he'd like '5 minutes alone' with phil anselmo due to the fact that he felt phil had incited the crowd to do it,
the song is phil's response, saying that he'd give him 5 minutes if he wanted it. he also refers to how the hecklers father tried to imply that phil disliked his son based on his ethnicity "You used complexion of my skin for a counter Rascist tool."

Rest in peace Dimebag.
One of the all time greats.

goddamn it man...phil was the one who died and if you listen to the lyrics, does it really sound like a brush with death song? 10s is more of a death song.

this song is about a motherfucker who was giving phil hell at a show so he said he was gonna kick his ass.the kid went and told his dad and his dad said u juss give me five minutes alone with that phil anselmo guy. this is in the book that comes with the new greatest hits thing.

This song rules! Pigbenis666, I'm with you all the way, 5 minutes alone with that piece of fuckin shit nathan gale would have been fun to torture that bitch's ass. I wish Dimebag was still alive:(
"Dimebag" Darrell Abbott
R.I.P 1966-2004
I will always remember your
kick-ass solos and guitar riffs......
Your still a legend and a heavy metal hero, Dimebag.........

I think you are all right. Even if this can be viewed as racial, we must look past hurt feelings and see if there is some truth involved. Angry heckler or Nubian brother, check thine self before thou wrecketh thine self.

I always thought it was about jacking off but I could be wrong

Philip Anselmo talks about 5 Minutes Alone it's a real situation here is actual quote of Phil:
“That actually came from a real situation where, for a f—ing change, I wasn’t guilty of starting some offstage brawl or some crap like that,” Anselmo describes. “Here comes this lawsuit and it’s this guy claiming that I jumped offstage and beat him up. His Dad had quotes and one of his Dad’s quotes was, ‘I don’t care about any lawsuit, I’d just like to get that Phil Anselmo five minutes alone.’ My manager answered him back, ‘No, you wouldn’t.’” [Laughs] via loudwire

i think that this song it is a very good song :D