3 Meanings
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Autoharp Lyrics

You are my autoharp
I push every button on your body
I push the a minor, the e flat, the f major
And especially the c sharp 7

You are my autoharp
I play every string in your mind
And even when I play them very loud
They keep in tune
But how will they sound soon

You are my autoharp
I bought you in a pawnshop in virginia
You were cheap but in good condition
Longing for someone to take you on an exotic trip

You are my autoharp
I carried you all over the world
In my hard case called the heart
You're the reason for my blood to keep running
Through my veins every album again
Song Info
Submitted by
mopnugget On Jul 06, 2001
3 Meanings
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I think this is hands down the sexiest song I have ever heard. EVER.

And I totally bought an autoharp because of it--no kidding.

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What gets me most about this song is that Hoover is from Belgium. What the hell was Geike doing in Virgina? Do they not have autoharps in Europe?

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Well...autoharps are a folk instrument developed, or at least popularized in America.

It's so funny, I came on here to leave a comment that this is the sexiest song ever and realized I had that same thought a year ago, apparently ^^^

I DID buy an autoharp because of this song, but I have to say, mine doesn't sound as sexy as their sample in the song :(

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