The Band Geek Mafia (The Horn of Justice) Lyrics

the band with glasses and hard looks has got you down in their black book computerized, the crust elite don't need the smell of mission street have your cake and eat it too with fellow scum that worship you when you choke on our black smoke no one will be there for your rescue your fake representation shows right through your rotting skin the only ones you're fooling are the imbeciles ones you're fooling are the imbeciles who think like you you probe us with your jealousy your anger gives us the defeat we'll keep walking separate ways until someday, again we meet the band geek mafia all unite as we watch you fade away and on your gravestone we will write a naked cult of hypocrites
4 Meanings
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A wicked mosh song. About how big mainstream bands judge ska bands as crap, and their followers who only follow the latest trends. As the cover of the CD shows a ska "geek" holding a glowing brass instrument case ("horn of justice"). Being in a skacore band myself is hard as people just think that the music we play is strange and crap.

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this song is AWESOME. I feel like this a lot of times, heh. Don't persecute band nerds....we're a lot tougher than you think.

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i grew up listening to this song! whee!

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i grew up listening to this song! whee!

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