Sister Sun Lyrics
there's something goin' on
i just can feel it
i'm not allowed to go
i can't believe it
where the radiation's breaking through
and we just sit and stare
like the rabbit at the snake
there's so much we could do
but we gotta do it now
cause it's gettin' pretty late
better hurry now
we need love and light for everyone
we need our atmosphere
to live in here
we overthrow the government and stop
what's goin' wrong
we're fighting for the sun
the change of sister sun
as if your sunny smile
would turn into a deadly one
it's not a quality of life
to live inside a mighty trap
to have that ice-cold coke beyond the radiation gap
against industrial trusts
and if there's no solution, there should be revolution
we're racing with the seconds
i wonder if we've got enough
to talk to stupid politicians

I think this song more or less is describing a catastrophic event in where nuclear radiation is going on and the government is trying to hide this from the civilians by spreading lies and propaganda, and telling people not to go outside or look into it. A small amount of the civilians can sense that something's wrong and they are standing up to the politicians / governmental agencies about this issue and are trying to spread awareness to those who don't know or realize what's happening. Here's one part which might confirm my suspicions:
there should be more resistance against industrial trusts and if there's no solution, there should be revolution
Basically people should stand up against these companies and if nothing changes for the better, then everything should be started anew and the civilians take over everything.
Deep lyrics and also very nice music... There's 2 versions: The B-side version + the Dreamscapes remix (which is excellent)