4 Meanings
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Oh Patti Lyrics

patti can't take it
she got to give it back
the world is a big place and she's frightened
and if you kiss her
she got to kiss you back
she couldn't stand a kiss for free
on her own

and while she's playing
with all she exchanged
yawning at the multitude
her world is a big place
full of toys and boys and teddy bears
where nothing is for free
that's what her mother told her once

and patti has a big, big heart
bigger than her life
she just forgot the most fantastic thing within
she's sitting in her glasshouse
and she does not dare to throw the stone
to make it all come true
of what she's dreaming of
and so it seems to me

patti can't take it
she gotta give it back
her world is a big place and she's frightened
but if you love her
maybe she'll accept
maybe she'll take your love for free
on her own
all alone
4 Meanings
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In a story, Patti is a freaked out chick who can’t take the mission thrust upon her by angels so she tries to give it back only to find that the angels cry piteously next to her bed each night until she relents and takes the baton back. Kiss her and she kisses back but it is no mere kiss—it is more like wild angels rushing in to peak in all of the hiding places you thought you had cleverly concealed.

And as she hangs out, the parallel universe is indeed full of toys and boys and teddy bears but it’s frustrating and boring because everything happens and yet nothing happens. The angels are quick to grab whatever they need from her other universe and never put anything back—freeloaders! [They claim they were given a shoe-string budget …]

Playing a love goddess, her heart is bigger than her life and the parallel universe is so much the glass house where she is scared shitless to toss the stone that sets what could well be chaos—into action.

When love becomes stronger than other less positive emotions, she’ll possibly have the courage to do what they say she can—on her own—all alone.

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Yeah I know it for sure I know it for sure now And there she is Thanks I gotta get there fast That’s the trouble with the railroad You always got to get there fast

She has dust on her toes And toe nail polish Little voice—little sweet and doesn’t know it Krissakes, don’t hurt yourself Always remember When you try to go around proving you’re an adventurer of the American nights and you wanna hop freights, hang on, angel, with your tightest hand and don’t let your feet drag under that round wheel. It’ll have less regard for your leg than it has for the toothpick in my mouth.

You think I’m afraid of a goddamn railroad train? I’m going off to join the goddamn navy I’ll land my airplane half on water and crash bang and jet to the moon too!

Good luck to you, guy Don’t fall off—hang tight Grip wrists—don’t fuck up

The train was starting to leave and the kid had disappeared Exactly like a jockey on a wild horse to leave the track and fly up in the night What a magnificent opening night it was for me to ride a fast run like that with a bunch of speed demons. Loved it all. Railroading gets in your blood.

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Partti is a prostitute and the song is sung from her pimp's point of view. And ironically, her pimp has a soulful side to himself as well.

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Partti is a prostitute and the song is sung from her pimp's point of view. And ironically, her pimp has a soulful side to himself as well.

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