Fool Me No More Lyrics
this is an alright slick shoes song , not the best , but its still good , i like the lyrics a best guess is , that its about a girl...all good punk songs are..i think...well , basically , their is no hidden message , that i can think of , because , the lyrics are prety straight sounds like hes talking about a girl , or friend , that was just a front...they acted like they were faithful ,trusting , and real , when in the end , they showed their true colors...and he has had enough , and tell them what he thinks about him or her...and in the end , lets him or her know , exactly how its going to be..."JUST GO LIE TO SOMEONE ELSE NOW"...
I like this song! I guess I like it so much just because I feel the same. Not being fooled and seeing through the little games/acts that someone plays w/ me.. its a groovy song