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Fiend Lyrics

what's behind your painted face
can you see the real pig
in the mirror
revenge you breed
i hate
your skeletons begging to get out
one by one

don't let your secrets get out
keep it in the brain dead circle
this is you
create a new fantasia
'cause it beats hating yourself,
hating yourself

chorus :
you came first into mind
known to feel unkind
blind by what we're showing
known to feel unkind

violet pretty show your face
you're always fiending
so you crave
laying the dumb ones down
you love the thril of the chase
this is you

i laid you down
then walked on you
torrid binges
set you throughout misery for two
choking n your sweetness

i took fifteen from you
and you'll never get this back
truly disgraceful don't you know
you're not the lucky one

you can't promise me you didn't know
promise me you'll know
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for Fiend lyrics by Orgy

Ok just one simple statemeant at the moment, above all Orgy Is my Favorite band and have been for a good couple few years now. This song is the first song that brought me to Orgy, just for how amazing it is. while everyone was listening to their New Order Blue Monday cover i listened to this song and absolutely enveloped myself in their music. and am anxiously awaiting the new album to come out which has been put off more than once....errr, but im just a fan what to expect. Anyhow even when i first heard this song, i didn't really have anything to link it too, but in my life i have discovered someone that this song can be linked to because he is quite the backstabber among other fake and superficially derranged things. He Is always trying to be who he is not and tries to say he is, constantly morphing himself to figures that are around him "Can you see the real pig in the mirror" He has a a horrible need to try and get people back and most of them being his friends for stupid petty reasons that he doesnt look into, like if i hang out with someone he likes WHICH IS EVERYONE INCLUDING MYSELF and being male and non homosexual with a girlfriend that is quite off putting. so he tries to fake secrets that he tells to people to try and get them to feel sorry for him.Like claiming multiple personalities and such because he cant deal with all of his emotions at the same time.and as too the chorus, everyone knows how he acts and how he is, hell fuck over his best friend to get one simple pleasure out of life, and all though we constantly show him how and not too fuck up he continuously does. trust is something that can not be given to him.One time he severely screwed me over so i got terribly angry and told him no more"laid you down and walked on you" but even a little while afterwards he still tried to get what he couldnt have" i mean every little thing in this song i can much to some how he is or something he has done, its almost strange.. he pisses me off severely so much i cant even type intelligable i believe, hopefully this is understandable...but this song matches his bitterly horrid person in everyway.

Cover art for Fiend lyrics by Orgy

damn thats alot man

Cover art for Fiend lyrics by Orgy

i think the brain-dead circle is the cycle of depression and self-hate.

Cover art for Fiend lyrics by Orgy

behind a painted face...lol like some chick who only looks good with makeup on, and lots of it...i swear some girls ar so fake.