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Eyes-Radio-Lies Lyrics

Slipping past position
You know I watch you drive
Watching you painted in chrome Max Factor
And feeling #1
All alone now
I can see you a way to the drone
Radio waves hitting your brain from the phone
Yes I can see

I can see what's on your mind
'Cause you're never alone
I am the voice inside your head
And the eyes in your radio
I'm the eyes in your radio
Hello Mr. Racecar driver
You know I'm watching you too
In the trauma room brain dead
Still you went faster
Now your # means nothing
Mr. Nickel-plated candy man
Are you feeling lifeless in aluminum
Spitting decisions to the core
As everyone dances in the fast lane


With all that's fake, there's sense to make
From toys that break
It's time to throw away all
the bad things that you hated
You scared yourself away
Now hate's what you appreciate
That's why people lie
People like you
People like me
So go away

10 Meanings
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You're both correct. Jay said in an interview that when he was a child that he thought their were people in his car radio, which slowly evolved into the idea that, since everyone has a radio in their car, the goverment planted cameras in car radios to spy on people. This idea was mixed with the idea of the artificiality of people...

Jay's a hottie! ;D

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when jay was little, he thought there were people in the radio

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I think this song is about people who are superficial; the kind of people who can't stand to be alone. They don't feel comfortable with themselves because they define themselves only by their associations and by their material possessions. "I can see what's on your mind cause your never alone." The person is so absorbed in only surface things so it is easy to know what they are thinking about.

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This is just a great song, one of my favs. by Orgy!

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It has one ass kick rhythm

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I see like 'street fighter' super nintendo style when this song starts. You know, how they just stand there breathing and they go up and down? well anyway,

Nyxo is exactly right. Jay thought people were in the radios and yeah, superficial people.

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i thought this song was about nascar or something. lol. i thought maybe one of the members wanted to be a nascar driver or something. hahaha. my imagination...good song.

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It does seem like it's saying something about Nascar, or maybe just racers in general. I guess that can be connected to superficial people by saying that racecar drivers feel like they have to compensate or cover for something by being number one?

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I see it as being about how people see vanity and their image as too important.

E.G the 'chrome max factor' and 'radio waves hitting your brain from a phone' + the reacing driver who went too fast and ended up brain dead. 'now your number means nothing'

Basic message: People who try to be something they're not will end up destrying themselves.

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