Don't Go Away Lyrics
About the things caught in my mind
And as the day was dawning my plane flew away
With all the things caught in my mind
I don't want to be there when you hit the ground
Say what you say
Say that you'll stay
Forever and a day
In the time of my life
'Cause I need more time
Yes I need more time just to make things right
With all the things caught in my mind
Damn my education I can't find the words to say
With all the things caught in my mind
I don't want to be there when you're coming down
I don't want to be there when you hit the ground
Say what you say
Say that you'll stay
Forever and a day
In the time of my life
'Cause I need more time
Yes I need more time just to make things right
All we seem to know is how to show the feelings that are wrong
Say what you say
Say that you'll stay
Forever and a day
In the time of my life
'Cause I need more time
Yes I need more time just to make things right
Say what you say
Say that you'll stay
Forever and a day
In the time of my life
'Cause I need more time
Yes I need more time just to make things right
Yes I need more time just to make things right
Yes I need more time just to make things right
So don't go away

If anyone misconstrues this as a love song (as I've heard before) they are INSANE... This is (in my opinion) a plea for a woman he's in love with to stay with him. He's admitting that things are crazy right now and that she has every reason to leave... But all he needs is time to fix things to make the relationship work again.
It was written for Bone Head about his Mother who was dying from cancer
It was written for Bone Head about his Mother who was dying from cancer
@maxpower114 I know it's like, almost, 20 years later, but your comment made me laugh HARD. "If anyone misconstrues this as a love song".................. and then goes on to describe exactly.....a love song. Hahahaha
@maxpower114 I know it's like, almost, 20 years later, but your comment made me laugh HARD. "If anyone misconstrues this as a love song".................. and then goes on to describe exactly.....a love song. Hahahaha

The best version of this song is when Noel sings and plays it acoustic.. completely blows away the album version.. This is the song that got me back into Oasis.

definitely best oasis song ever. you're right infidel, the best version is the acoustic with noel singing

The song is amazing, the second verse is best cos it reminds me of me. noel does give it more feeling and meaning, so no noels best singing it.

Wow that's weird that infidel says that. Oasis is a band that I used to like a whole lot, then I got suddenly annoyed by Noel's constant whining and other things. Don't Go Away, especially the acoustic has the potential to make me cry and without shame. I love this song, and I'm really glad that Oasis made it. Goes in my top 10 greats of all time. For the record, the acoustic one is the best...rock on fellows.

I have to say, while Noel's version is really great, the album version is so much more emotional for me. Liam's great vocals get to me every time. What a voice he has got.

I have to say, while Noel's version is really great, the album version is so much more emotional for me. Liam's great vocals get to me every time. What a voice he has got.

this song mixes lyrics and music into a powerful emotional soup. this is one of those songs that can sometimes bring tears to my eyes (or at least it used to, back when I was a total sap). it's about someone wanting to rectify all of the problems in a relationship. the relationship isn't really healthy, but it seems to be an integral part of the narrator's life.

this song is the perfect translation of that empty feeling you get when you are clinging on to the one you love most, but all the while knowing they are gone and you'll never have them back... it feels like he is trying to savor the moment, or just hold on to what is now. he doesn't want change to come or to throw things apart. he hates the hand of cards that life delt his relationship, and he is pleaing for a redeal. don't go away.

Experiencing the possibility of closure of someone you feel so close to and don't quite understand why the relationship is unfulfilled...taking the pain, persevering and knowing that more time will make it better. Unconditional love in one of its finest moments.