I'm Looking Forward to Joining You, Finally Lyrics

As black as the night can get
Everything is safer now
There's always a way to forget
Once you learn to find a way how

In the blur of serenity
Where did everything get lost?
The flowers of naivete
Buried in a layer of frost

The smell of sunshine
I remember sometimes

Thought he had it all before they called his bluff
Found out that his skin just wasn't thick enough
Wanted to go back to how it was before
Thought he lost everything
Then he lost a whole lot more

A fool's devotion
Swallowed up in empty space
The tears of regret
Frozen to the side of his face

The smell of sunshine
I remember sometimes

I've done all I can do
Could I please come with you?
Sweet smell of sunshine
I remember sometimes
Song Info
Submitted by
thewhitepony33 On Jul 02, 2001
34 Meanings
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in the fragile booklet where it lists the credits, it says "for clara"

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This song is about the loss of Trent's grandmother, who was like a mother to him. Her death affected him deeply, and I think this song perfectly reflects the feelings we all go through when we lose a loved one.

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weird lyrics? I just think they're quite normal on the Fragile. And just as beautiful as they can get.

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such a spooky song. i like it. i can't work out what it means though.

his voice haunts me


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"thought he had it all before they call his bluff found out that his skin just wasn't thick enough wanted to go back to how it was before thought he lost everything then he lost a whole lot more"

This seems to be talking about his own voulnerability. He thought that he could not be phased or affected but what he "lost" hurt him.

I agree, it's how he's always "nothing can hurt me because I don't care/the worse has happened/etc." but then something does...

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So, essentially, you dislike the song because it gives you a headache when you listen to it in your suped up car. Whatever. I think the poetry in this song is so amazing that it could be used in an English class. And the bass doesn't bother me.


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Heh, this song is one of my favourites on The Fragile - it just seems to hit a certain part of you deep inside. (LOLZ DEEP INSIDE). I always seem to listen to it when I get depressed; which makes me worse, but then I listen to the entire album and it seems to make me really fucking happy again. Whee. Trent is my god.

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Agreed....This song is beautiful. It makes me think of people around me who have died. It makes me think of death. It makes me wonder if there is life or something like it after death, and of what theyre doing if there is.

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Such a gorgeous song. Really one of the only glimpses into his personal life. My friend and I were listening to it one day, just basking in the wonderful Fragile, and she told me he wrote it about his grandmothers death. Made us get all teary-eyed.

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